Dashboard Revisited

Dashboard Revisited


taz 24

Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Friday 9th August 2002
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Wedg1e & GF350 you were correct, never in the field of Wedge maintenance has a Wedge owner given so much..............what a nightmare!!!!
Found the three nuts that hold it together, getting to them was almost impossible and even then the damn thing would not come apart. Four days of contorted torture in the drivers footwell and still it would not budge.
Unfortunately for him, a local sparky has agreed a price to complete the jobs, tehe.
Thanks for your help, much appreciated.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Friday 9th August 2002
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Sorry to hear you have given it up. I have to say the first time I had mine in bits it was a bit of a struggle. The second time is always easier (as they say!)


taz 24

Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Friday 9th August 2002
quotequote all
Cheers danny, rest assured there will not be a second time, fitting the 24v engine was easier?