Speedo demons

Speedo demons



Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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Hi all,
Can anybody help me with a speedo problem? I need to figure out what the connection type is for my 1986 350i. It's a long story, but due to a non standard gearbox and a complete lack of a speedo cable I'm a bit in the dark. Does anybody have an old one sitting about that they could look at for me? It is the speedo end that I need to know about.


Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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It's me again,
Don't worry about the question above, it turns out that the connection on the gearbox is an electronic RPM sensor instead (its a GM 180), so cables aren't going to do the job at all.
I'm really stuck now, with an electronic sensor and a cable driven speedo. If anybody has any suggestions I would really love to hear them. Here is what I have come up with. I could try approaching Speedy Cables, apparently they can make custom dials as well as cables, but it sounds expensive.
The alternative, which is even more exensive is to get a new (manual) gearbox, with a normal cable. The reason I have an automatic (conversion) is because the guy that sold it to me had one arm. But I kind of like the auto, I'm too lazy to change gear and I was never any good at it.
So if anyone can think of a reasonable solution to my predicament I would be eternally grateful. In the mean time I will (finally) take delivery of my newly restored wedge later this week, but I won't know how fast to drive it, so I am doomed to err on the side of caution. Bah.
Thanks for listening, I feel better now.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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Speedy are very good and not expensive in my experience



3,799 posts

290 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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It may be worth having a bit of a rummage at the back of the box as most gearboxes were originally cable driven in any case and you might find that there is a seperate speed transducer which plugs into the gearbox. You may be able to replace this with a conventioanl cable drive unit. It all depends on the box fitted, try approaching an auto box specialist.



14,944 posts

281 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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It may be worth having a bit of a rummage at the back of the box as most gearboxes were originally cable driven in any case and you might find that there is a seperate speed transducer which plugs into the gearbox. You may be able to replace this with a conventioanl cable drive unit. It all depends on the box fitted, try approaching an auto box specialist.


Good point Matt, there may be a blanking plate covering another drive point. Well worth a call to the box maker or a quick shoofty around.

Andy 400se


14,944 posts

281 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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Another thought, if you like the Auto box so much why not investigate replacing it with the Land Rover autobox? Its bound to have the correct drives available since the original maual will have been an LR unit, and you'd have to assume that LR chose an auto to match in with the basic system?
Just a thought
Andy 400se


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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1, The Landrover box is not the same as the LT77 SD1 Rover box like is what used in't Wedge. The 4 wheel drive transfer box tends to be a little bit of a problem for a start...

If you don't mind changing the instrument, there are several digital aftermarket speedos that can be driven using a sensor on the wheels which cost around £150 ish. It may be possible to convert yout cable driven speedo to a digital electronic one as well. Speedy Cables should be able to help here.



14,944 posts

281 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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1, The Landrover box is not the same as the LT77 SD1 Rover box like is what used in't Wedge. The 4 wheel drive transfer box tends to be a little bit of a problem for a start...


Doh! fergot the transfer box.
Hmmm, a 4wd TVR eh? Now theres a thought!
Andy 400se


14,944 posts

281 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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Hey Steve, how about the SD1 autobox then?
Andy 400se


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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Hey Steve, how about the SD1 autobox then?
Andy 400se

I suspect it is already using the Sd1 autobox...


14,944 posts

281 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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In that case, shouldn't there be some sort of off the shelf Rover made conversion kit? I can't think Rover had one type of speedo mechanism for the manual box and one for the autobox, so how did they do it on the SD1 production line?
Then again, maybe thats not so unthinkable, we are talking 1980s Rover after all!

Andy 400se


Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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Hi All,
Thanks for the suggestions, I was getting really frustrated with this.
It is an SD1 auto box, there were two used, a Borg something and the one I have, the GM180. I'm not entirely against a digital speedo, but if I could just get the one I have working it would probably be a more elegant (but pain in the butt) solution.
There was a suggestion that I should seek an auto box specialist, can anybody point me in the general direction?
My car has been in Sheffield getting outriggers and bits and bobs seen to since I bought it. I should have it back any day now, so I can have a rummage around underneath to see what I can see. I cant wait to actually drive the damned thing though. Summer is nearly over!


805 posts

277 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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My car has been in Sheffield getting outriggers and bits and bobs seen to since I bought it. I should have it back any day now, so I can have a rummage around underneath to see what I can see. I cant wait to actually drive the damned thing though. Summer is nearly over!

I think you did the right thing getting someone else to do the outriggers.
I've been at mine for over 4 months now! ( I'm a perfectionist). I have also got a bit side tracked as you can see from the photo's in my profile.
Still I keep telling myself it will be worth it when its finished!!
Looking forward to next summer.