sticky callipers

sticky callipers



Original Poster:

2 posts

271 months

Friday 2nd August 2002
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Belgian, owning a restored 280i that has not been on the road for 2 years, i'm now looking at 4 sticky brake callipers. Any suggestions on repair, refurbish, replacement, specialised suppliers?


1,165 posts

278 months

Sunday 4th August 2002
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The front callipers are Ford Cortina MK5 and the rears are Jaguar XJ6. Both are obtainable in UK. Not sure how you go on in Belgium. Are you going to be doing the work yourself or taking it to a garage?
I would have thought if the calliper sides and pistons are not corroded or scratched then you may get away with a new seal kit. The front's are easy to work on, but removing the rear callipers is a bit tricky, but can be done.
If you need new callipers it may be worth thinking about upgrading the front's to 4 pot Princess or better......if you have the money.

>> Edited by SEVANS on Monday 5th August 13:05