Is my Temp gauge faulty
Hi..I've noticed in other postings that Wedge's seem to run a lot cooler than mine. My Wedge when up to temp is exactly half way between the 90 deg mark and the next line up (100 deg?). And the fans cut in when it reaches the line. Is the gauge faulty or is it running far to hot, if it was really running that hot surely the fans would be running all the time? Is there anyway I can check......Steves (The font of all that is Wedge) is bound to know the answer, here's hopeing
Sounds like it. Some of the sensors were fitted with series resistors to adjust the reading. I use a digital thermometer (I've got both an IR and a thermocouple one) to measure the sensor temp in situ and compare it. That will tell you if the sensor is wrong. Adding a resistor to adjust it is as easy as trying find a compatible one. Use a variable to work out what you need and then add that resistence.
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