Adjustable Shockers, 2 or 4 ?
Can anyone with any valid knowledge please advise me what to do? My 350i S2 tends to wallow in higher speed corners and as such, does'nt fill me with bundles of confidence. I think I'm correct in assuming that stiffer dampers will assist. Am I wasting my time on sorting just the back end or do I need to do the front aswell to give the best stability at much quicker cornering speeds ? Or - do I need to do something totally different ? Your advice will be gladly received.
>>> Edited by lazyitus on Wednesday 31st July 23:04

>>> Edited by lazyitus on Wednesday 31st July 23:04
Have you seen this ad on the tasmin challenge website.
For Sale Brand new still in the boxes front and back spax adjustable dampers will fit any tasmin. Also handbrake cable for 350i
Price £150
Contact Alan Pelham - 07940-764736
I would have gone for them myself but I have a fairly new set of AVO's on mine already.
For Sale Brand new still in the boxes front and back spax adjustable dampers will fit any tasmin. Also handbrake cable for 350i
Price £150
Contact Alan Pelham - 07940-764736
I would have gone for them myself but I have a fairly new set of AVO's on mine already.
You need to sort out the whole car. Just working on the back will cause the car to develop other equally bad habbits. Chcek that the suspension is up to scratch front and back. If the car is trailing arm... then you may need to invest is some additional stabilisers like what the Taz Challenge guys use to stop the wheels moving sideways. Check the pivots in particular.
Then you can start playing with adjusting the stiffness which may or may not cure the problem depending on what the symptom actually is and the cause. There is no magic formula on this.
Then you can start playing with adjusting the stiffness which may or may not cure the problem depending on what the symptom actually is and the cause. There is no magic formula on this.
Steve Heath mentioned some additional stabilisers like what the Taz Challenge guys use to stop the wheels moving sideways. Just where do these mount and how do they work? Are these the ones sold by TowerView? Some years ago I replaced the lower arms with adjustable rose jointed ones which corrected the camber and restored some precision into the handling. Do these additional stabilizers rely on the compliance of the stock rubber bushed lower arms to prevent binding or will they work with my rose jointed lower arms? Does anyone have any photos of these installed?
Might be worth speaking to Richard Moore at Moore racing 01908 368960. I know they have modified the trailing arm pivot so that it is supported from both sides in a 'c' or 'u' shapped mount. They also did an eye shaped bracket that fits around the pivot rubber. This gives it more support. I guess it depends how much you want to spend.
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