Track Rods on Tasmin '82

Track Rods on Tasmin '82



Original Poster:

117 posts

283 months

Wednesday 31st July 2002
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Just had the obligatory MOT and my Tasmin's failed on a couple of things.

a) Excessive play on near and offside track rod ends
b) Emissions about limits (4.73% CO, above 4.5% pass)
c) "Excessively Noisey exhaust" (no..really? :-))

The emissions problem I assume is a case of getting the engine tuned, but what's involved in replacing the track rod ends and what parts are they? I've looked in Steve's Bible, but it doesn't seem to mention track rod ends.

The garage who failed it have quoted me 3.5 hours labour + parts to replace the track rods and tune the engine.. at their prices £195 + parts + VAT.

Maybe I'm just being stingey / untrusting but does this seem reasonable? Can anybody recommend any garages in West London that would offer me a better deal?

Let me know what you think!


11,352 posts

275 months

Wednesday 31st July 2002
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There are benefits in living in the north then!
£25/hr up here
The track rod ends on my Taz were bought from HHC direct from TVR


30 posts

294 months

Wednesday 31st July 2002
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What year and model is your car is it PAS. The rack on my manual 200 was off a MK4 Cortina, so the ends will be ford.
Replacing the ends is relativly easy, look any haynes ford manual. The tricky bit is the tracking which can de done at a local tyre dealer.