With Luck

With Luck



Original Poster:

14,944 posts

281 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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With luck, downhill, with a tailwind I get my Beast back tomorrow!
Work completed:
Manifolds repaired FOC
Bodywork damage repaired FOC

Now the painful bit...
Both rear wheel bearings, Inner and outer Ujs, new bushes all round, drive shafts dynamically balanced, all reshimmed and set up like a race car!

Oh and the garage threw in a replacement shock absorber FOC as a goodwill gesture.

PLUS! on the test drive the airflow meter packed up so they're fixing that tonite too.

Can't wait for the car, but to paraphrase Adolf Hitler - I'm dreading the fing (gas) bill!

Andy 400se

nick heppinstall

8,363 posts

291 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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Nice one Andy ! Just in time to get drowned !!


Original Poster:

14,944 posts

281 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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Nice one Andy ! Just in time to get drowned !!

Errrrm Yeeeessss.
Ah, but bollox anyway. I can't begin to describe how much I've missed my Tiv. Silly eh?
Listen out tomorrow morning Nick. The thunder won't be all down to the weather!

Andy 400se


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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Sounds like there might be an ouch in the tail. Good show on the rest though.

nick heppinstall

8,363 posts

291 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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Hey Morg !! I can't think of a better combination ! The beast back and a sting in the tail .... AHHHHHH !!