TVR 500 S?

TVR 500 S?


Johan G

Original Poster:

196 posts

272 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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I live in Sweden and I have recently spotted a strange TVR and would like to ask if someone knows if it is a fake or not. The car I have seen looks like an early TVR 350i but it has decals saying it is a TVR 500 S. Has souch a TVR model ever existed? Does anyone know? Maybe the owner has fitted some home made decals on the car? I hope someone has an answer.

Best regards,
Johan G


1,517 posts

277 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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Yes, there is one, apparently made for a 'special customer' many years ago, and I seem to remember is was shipped to either Sweden or Norway. There's an article about it on on eof the old sprint magazines.


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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Methinks there is some confusion...

There are two 500SE which are 450SE that left the factory and had a 5 litre lump dropped in. There is a 660SE that had a BOSS engine that went to Sweden.

There has never been an S model. I suspect it is the owner playing games with the decals...


Johan G

Original Poster:

196 posts

272 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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This car is definitely older than the SE-models. It has the old rear lights and so on. It is white with a dark red interior (in terrible shape sad to say). So I believe that it is an old 350i with fake decals. I'll try to find out more about it later today.



80 posts

278 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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Johan, there is a TVR club in Sweden if you are interested. Mail me for details.



80 posts

278 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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BTW, should be at least two 420SEAC and one 450SEAC in Sweden. All LHD. Only 400SE(RHD) i know about is being repaired(GRP front/rear) by a guy in the club in Stockholm. Lot's of RHD 350i though, and Tasmins. I´ll try to get some more statistics.


Johan G

Original Poster:

196 posts

272 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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I went over to the garage where the car ins currently being serviced and spoke to one of the mecanics. It turned out to be a 280i which has been modified a couple of times. First someone fitted a Ford V8 carburettor engine. Maybe that person fitted "suitable" decals then. It now has a fuel injected Ford V8 engine mounted and is about to get the last details in the electric system fixed att the garage.

I am about to become a member of the swedish TVR car club and hopefully I will become a TVR owner soon.


>> Edited by Johan G on Wednesday 31st July 08:48