brake upgrades

brake upgrades


rory d

Original Poster:

21 posts

277 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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was wandering, if there is a cheap way of up grading solid dics to vented on my 86 350. i dont want to get into new calipers, as i have only just changed them, also what is a good set of pads to put in them???


407 posts

279 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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You could try Hi-Spec Motorsport 01322 286850, just fitted their big brake kit With Mintex 1144 pads to my Griff 500,and so far I've noticed big improvement in feel and stopping power.They also offer the option to upgrade the calipers later,I'm sure they will offer something for your wedge got to be worth a phone call.


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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was wandering, if there is a cheap way of up grading solid dics to vented on my 86 350. i dont want to get into new calipers, as i have only just changed them, also what is a good set of pads to put in them???

How much do you want to spend?


11,352 posts

275 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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TJ motors at Boroughbridge may still have a second hand but excellent condition set of 400se vented discs and calipers. They should fit straight onto your 350 without to much hastle
Phone dircetory enqs or see members benefits page at
Ask for Tom. Tell him North Yorks TVRCC sent you.
He had them in a few months back and was looking to sell

c j morgan

44 posts

278 months

Monday 5th August 2002
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rory do not GO TO TOWER SHIT V===== YOU KNOW WHY

Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Monday 5th August 2002
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Just swapped from Mintex 1144s to GREENSTUFF pads - what a difference for road use. Performance seems similar when hot but MUCH better feel and cold response. Highly recommended!


2,505 posts

294 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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rory do not GO TO TOWER SHIT V===== YOU KNOW WHY

YAWN....think you made your point a long time ago and plenty of happy customers and those who have never used them are going to continue to ignore it. Just give yup and stick with whoever you are happy with as we all do.


805 posts

277 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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Does any one know if you can use a spacer kit of some sort to accomadate vented disks on the 350?


273 posts

284 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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check out the article on upgrading brakes on, under the maintanance section, I'm sure there is reference to upgrading brakes in stages, using spacers for the first stage.


80 posts

278 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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GF, you cannot use vented Granada disks together with standard calipers. The vented disk are 24mm wide so you need the wider calipers from Granada 2,8/diesel. Calipers, disks, green stuff pads are really not much money but it´s, i must say, far better than the original stuff together with DOT5.1 and some pedal adjusting as Steve has learned us all. There is NO cheaper upgrade avaliable that really works. With this upgrade you might just avoide the rear brakes to lockup on a track day(and THAT´S not funny at all)


805 posts

277 months

Sunday 11th August 2002
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GF, you cannot use vented Granada disks together with standard calipers. The vented disk are 24mm wide so you need the wider calipers from Granada 2,8/diesel. Calipers, disks, green stuff pads are really not much money but it´s, i must say, far better than the original stuff together with DOT5.1 and some pedal adjusting as Steve has learned us all. There is NO cheaper upgrade avaliable that really works. With this upgrade you might just avoide the rear brakes to lockup on a track day(and THAT´S not funny at all)

Thought that might be the case.