Wedge heater air intake...

Wedge heater air intake...



Original Poster:

26,901 posts

276 months

Monday 29th July 2002
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On a lot of Wedges, there's a cover over the heater box in the engine bay that has an air intake for the cabin air. I always found that my Tasmin drew a lot of engine fumes in, so I was pleased to find that my 390 doesn't have such a vent. However, it doesn't have any other sort of intake anywhere else! In effect it just recirculates cabin air, which in the winter is no bad thing 'cos the car warms up quicker (actually did the same thing myself on a Morgan-copy kit car years ago, using a Viva heater!).
I just wondered if this was common on other cars; mine's '87 vintage.

Puzzled of Teesside



805 posts

277 months

Monday 29th July 2002
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Mine has a hole cut in the black box with an aluminium flexihose going out and ending up at the end of the middle outrigger tube near the sill.
This was done by the previous owner and seems like a reasonable idea.


421 posts

274 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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See there you go again. You should have it tucked safely away in winter months, so the heater is redundant. I suggest woolly socks and a balaclava while you wait for the next bus...
Oh yes my 350i has a little gauze covered air intake under the rear lip of the bonnet. Is that for the heater?
Is there a heater/blower setting to blow cold air out of the fresh air vents, or do you have to rely on forward speed? My S.2 seemed to be able to deliver a fair stream of cool air but not the 350. Am I missing something?



2,190 posts

280 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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Hmm - I always wondered why I have to turn the fan on to get any heat. Lack of ram-air would explain a lot.


Original Poster:

26,901 posts

276 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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Yeah, I've spotted a small gauze intake on several Wedge pics, that's what started me off thinking about it. I don't have any heater probs, in fact in winter the recirculating design warms the car up faster (that's what I figured on the kit car anyway!).
It's just that you can't get fresh cool air in yer face (unless you're 7 foot 12 and drive with the roof off...


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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If it's blanked off, how will it heat the interior if the roof is off?

Or is this just wishfull thinking......


534 posts

295 months

Friday 23rd August 2002
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My '88 390SE recirculates the cabin air, which is a real pain, as it causes everything to mist up when raining.

When I eventually get the car back on the road (work starting 1st week of September...), I will be running either one or two fresh air tubes from the heater to the convenient holes in the front spoiler.



36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 23rd August 2002
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My '88 390SE recirculates the cabin air, which is a real pain, as it causes everything to mist up when raining.


Try RainX anti mist. Works a treat. Mine recirculates as well.