


Original Poster:

79 posts

273 months

Sunday 28th July 2002
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The car has just started to cut out when hot.It has been pinking heavily at every opertunity and also when not cutting out when hot the car starts to (glug glug)
if you know what I mean.Also ritch petrol smell from exaust.
I am not that good a mechanics so any help would be appreciated.
Also any good servicers near croydon


6 posts

273 months

Monday 29th July 2002
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Phone me on 020 8642 6882, I have recently been through this! I am very close to Croydon.


61 posts

275 months

Monday 29th July 2002
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Let us know the answer for future reference please.


5,024 posts

294 months

Monday 29th July 2002
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Or buy my ECU as yours is knackered.


Richard Fisher


Original Poster:

79 posts

273 months

Monday 29th July 2002
quotequote all
Or buy my ECU as yours is knackered.


Richard Fisher

You trying to tell me something then


5,024 posts

294 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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I have a V8 flapper air flow meter ECU which I am selling. Let me know if you are interested.

Your car sounds like it is overfuelling which would indicate that the ECU is not well and is pulsing the injectors for too long or holding them constantly open.


Richard Fisher


21,561 posts

295 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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The best way to diagnose - is to swap with a mates
who's is running OK.

You will know pretty instantly and if you fit
you ecu to his car - the symptoms who move to
that car !

Lucas 're-conditioned' ecu = about 200 pounds


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
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A duff ECU can cause this but so can duff temp sensor, sticky fuel injectors, sticky thermotime switches for the cold start injector to name but three.



Original Poster:

79 posts

273 months

Tuesday 30th July 2002
quotequote all
Where is the temp sensor situated when I find it I can test it.I am not a mechanic at all but can do things when told how to do them.
Any help would be appreciated as I want to bring the car to Duxford


349 posts

287 months

Wednesday 31st July 2002
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Buy yerself a Rover SD1 Haynes manual,its all in there at the Supplementary info section. Saved me a fortune when my 390 cut out.
Using the Fuel injection troubleshooting guide i discovered my temperature sensor(for the ECU not the temp guage) had gone T*ts-up and the resistance was well out of range (you need a fairly good quality multimeter for this.)hence the ECU didnt know how hot the engine was and just threw up its hands in dismay!
Have to say though, it didnt give the symtoms you describe.
Mine was erratically cutting out after a cold start for some time ,but ok when warm.Then one day it just cut out and wouldnt restart whilst warm.
Hope this helps


Original Poster:

79 posts

273 months

Tuesday 13th August 2002
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Looks as if the ECU is the problem just had it sent away for a test.Anybody know what they do with them to get it back in condition.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
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My ECU was riddled with dry joints, very simple to sort if you are handy with a soldering iron, or knwo someone that is.



488 posts

286 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
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My car, a 1987 350i, has recently been doing the same sort of stuff. When warm it just won't tickover without stalling. Every junction I come to I have to keep the throttle press slightly to stop the car from embarassingly cutting out. The other day I adjusted the idle speed with the screw on the plenium intake to increase the tickover speed. This worked for a few about half a day before the car went back to its old ways.

The car has also suffered badly from pinking too, and I recently experienced a short phaze where the car would just instantly cut out when sitting at tickover on my driveway. All leads me to believe that my ECU could be shot.

Call me stupid, but I take it the ECU is that box of tricks in the passenger foot well. I will remove it and take a soldering iron to it and let you know how I get on! You never know...


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 15th August 2002
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Something else you might want to check is your throttle pot. You can just disconnect it to see if the idling improves. My cold running improved significantly when I "refurbished" mine.
