Smashed TVR :-(

Smashed TVR :-(



Original Poster:

4,486 posts

291 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2001
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OK finally gone and done it..piled the 400SE into a lamppost trying to avoid a f*&%$£g tractor in the fast lane and some guy pulling out of a side road.

The lampost went right thru the front end about halfway up the bonnet, the sumps gone,windscreen smashed and the wheels are badly damaged..I know it''''s very difficult to say without photos but I was wondering if anyone knows if my car will be written off or not. Also I have a personalised plate..what do I need to do about that.

At least I''''m still in 1 piece

Many thanks In advance

Be careful guys..and gals

Edited by Hilts on Sunday 24th June 00:45


49 posts

293 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2001
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Hi John, see my response to your post in the general TVR section. Glad at least that you're in one piece!! My experience was similar... one hell of a crunch (motorway crash barrier at about 70mph, see the WRECKED! thread), but climbed out of the car without a single scratch or bruise.


6,025 posts

292 months

Saturday 26th May 2001
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Bugger. I have had 2 frontals .. admitedly I didnt have any engine damage in either one. The wheels are going to cost an absolute fortune to replace ( they dont make them any more, and those that have athem .. keep them ) The windscreen tooI believe is a specialist item, but they can probably get one from a specialist. The main problem will be the insurance company will probably get a new front grafted on .. it is an item that normally had to be fabricated from the factory, and can take a few weeks to obtain. In my oppinion, Mole Valley did the repair to mine first, and they were absolutly brilliant. you cannot see the join, and the paint colour match was perfect.