Bad Vibes......................

Bad Vibes......................



Original Poster:

27 posts

272 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Chaps, i`ve just bought a 350i S2 which i am very happy with apart from a serious vibration that comes in at high speed i`ve checked wheel balance and all o.k but was wondering if could be prop or driveshafts ?any feed back would be grateful.


14,944 posts

281 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Could be anything. Propshaft, driveshaft Ujs, Rear wheel bearings, suspension bushes.
Mine had bad high speed vibes and it turned out to be all of the above!
Andy 400se


Original Poster:

27 posts

272 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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Thanks for your response will have a probe around !!

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 31st July 2002
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The front UJ on my prop caused a strange coarseness on my 350, even though it seemed fine when I checked it on the car. It always passed the MOT as well. I changed it when I had the prop off to change the rear UJ (as it made sense to do both while I was at it), and the difference in the car at high speed was very noticeable.
