Quaife Cogs

Quaife Cogs


Taz 24

Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Sunday 21st July 2002
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Has anyone fitted Quaife high ratio internals in a Type 9 box? I drove the 24v up Loton Park hill and struggled to get of 2nd gear! (Before I get abuse about driving styles, yes I was giving it some). Any info on ratios would be glady appreciated.


30 posts

294 months

Sunday 21st July 2002
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I am looking at the same solution for the 200, now a 220 Bhp warrior. I believe the type 9 will only take upto about 160-170 bhp. Quaife recommend a heavy duty gear set for that sort of power. I was looking at the rally spec ratios, since the others seem more for the track than the road, so the rally seems a good compromise. I think most of the sets are straight cut which may be a bit noisy, but they do a semi-helical heavy duty set which should take 220 Bhp.
The alternative is the T5, which is used by the 2wd Cosworth and TVR, amongst many others. I have been told that they tend to break synchro rings on fast gear change engines, the V8's are ok.
Quaife do ready built boxes.
My plans are for at least next year so tell me how which choice you make and how it goes.


30 posts

294 months

Monday 22nd July 2002
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I have done a bit more research. Try this site then phone BGH. He is very helpfull and the gears are not straight cut.


729 posts

277 months

Monday 22nd July 2002
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I can confirm, BGH is very good.
He isn't the quickest person in the world but he does build a very strong 'box. The ratio's may need to be semi-straight cut considering the power you will be putting through them. BGH will be able to tell you for sure though.


Taz 24

Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Monday 22nd July 2002
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Taz 200, are you racing or going for fast road? What ratio's your diff?
I've found a used box with Quaifes fitted but its in a sorry state plus the owner cannot decide on a price.
The chap who looks after my running gear reckons it'll cost about £500 for modified 1st, 2nd & 3rd direct from Quaife, but I will have to work out the ratios by checking the speed of the car against the revs. Not sure which way to go at the moment, cheers for your help and I'll keep you posted.