Ajustable pressure fuel regulator

Ajustable pressure fuel regulator



Original Poster:

42 posts

272 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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I spoke with the guys at RPI, they sold be a regulator and said my engine would run far happier with some decent fuel enrichment via the reg. I havn't fitted it yet, has anyone ? And to what effect ?
Thanks Keith

2 Sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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Yes Keith they do work, offering a cheap method of getting more fuel without expensive ECU mods, TVR 420's etc have them as standard, I've seen a 350i pick up 5 bhp with one fitted. ideally have a rolling road session to fine adjust.


104 posts

273 months

Sunday 21st July 2002
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Intresting thing about the fuel enrichment. Did they recomend a type. I've got a regulator on mine with a pinking problem, I wonder if the the enrichment will cure it?


4 posts

280 months

Sunday 21st July 2002
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Have you tried cooler NGK plugs to stop the pinking?
B7ECS I think.


3,799 posts

290 months

Sunday 21st July 2002
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If you're that concerned bung it on the rollers and tweak the regulator to get the best compromise for fuel mixture throughout the rev range. Should cost about 50 quid in roller time.


2 Sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Monday 22nd July 2002
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Have you tried cooler NGK plugs to stop the pinking?
B7ECS I think.

Yes B7ECS are the best they cost £3-50 each and need replacing at about 4,000 miles, I always fit them.