350i vehicle tilter

350i vehicle tilter



Original Poster:

4 posts

274 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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I am thinking of buying a Liquiteechnik vehicle tilter,Practical Classics best buy May2002.Has anyone any experience of using these or similar?I want to refurb the chassis over the winter but I am a bit iffy about the stesses imposed on the hubs,engine mounts etc .


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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Don't even think about it. Especially if you have the trailing arm suspension. Put it on axle stands and get on your back like every one else.

The body.chassis flexes enough as it is.



883 posts

278 months

Friday 19th July 2002
quotequote all
I am thinking of buying a Liquiteechnik vehicle tilter,Practical Classics best buy May2002.Has anyone any experience of using these or similar?I want to refurb the chassis over the winter but I am a bit iffy about the stesses imposed on the hubs,engine mounts etc .

Take a look at www.kwiklift.com
Classic & Sportscar gave it the thumbs up a few issues back.