Batteries and wheels........

Batteries and wheels........



Original Poster:

2,505 posts

294 months

Thursday 18th July 2002
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Sort of one probably for Steve this but...

1) according to Wedge bible and also based on what is already in the car I need a Type 072 battery with approx 630A. Problem is that 3 motorfactors round here in their new catalogues list the 072 with around 400A. Could this be a differnce in cold vs. hot cranking? Even they were surprised when checking the specs as they were used to the 590-630A. Thoughts? Anyone bought one recently?

2) I need to fairly urgently replace my tyres but am half thinking of moving to a larger size wheel. I know I could use ex Tuscan ones like Steve but finding them is going to be difficult - anyone any suggestions? Also, how much difference do you think I will notice - particuarly on track which is where the 450 spends most of its time these days. Benefits of the larger wheel / lower profile tyre combination?


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 18th July 2002
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On mine it says
Bosche Silver
600A (en)
560 077 060
Turns the motor like hell. (last bit not on the batt )


2,190 posts

278 months

Thursday 18th July 2002
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To answer your battery problem...I posted a 'sluggish turnover when hot' request for info and after all the advice went for the cheapest and easiest - a new battery and its done the trick. The motor factor's I went to said I need a type 089 for my 350i. It is a 570 amp / 70 amp whichever is the cold cranking. It also fit the battery space although a tight fit. It cost £45 with a 4 yr warranty.
Hope that helps,


2,190 posts

280 months

Thursday 18th July 2002
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Beware - standard battery won't fit all Wedges. One was forced into mine by the previous owner and it bady wore into the body before I replaced it.

My motor factor took finding a replacement battery as a challenge. They could hadly believe TVR would actually use a Mini battery to crank a 4.5l engine. They scoured the books and got me the battery with the highest cold cranking current they could find.

Dunno if it is standard Wedge fit, but the battery leads on mine are long enough to fit just about any make of battery. Hence you'll not have to worry about the arrangement of the battery terminals, only the battery dimensions.


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 18th July 2002
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I seem to remember looking for a 015 for me 350 and there were several different currant versions depending which shop you went in. If its any help I can measure mine (battery!!!!) and let you know. Certainly a good one for 4.2.


805 posts

277 months

Thursday 18th July 2002
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For the wheels you might want to try the ad at


Tuscan Wheels -16" - Inch aluminium wheels 225 excellent condition £250.


>> Edited by gf350 on Thursday 18th July 23:59


Original Poster:

2,505 posts

294 months

Wednesday 24th July 2002
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meant to say thanks for your replies on this.


For the wheels you might want to try the ad at


Tuscan Wheels -16" - Inch aluminium wheels 225 excellent condition £250.


I mailed Peter re: the above.....Drives me mad when people advertise things and they can't be bothered to reply when someone enquires about what they are selling though


805 posts

277 months

Wednesday 24th July 2002
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Oh well, sounded prety cheap to me as well. What have you got on there at the moment?
As for the bigger wheels debate theres an article/letter in sprint this month that covers it.

>> Edited by gf350 on Wednesday 24th July 21:44

>> Edited by gf350 on Wednesday 24th July 21:45


Original Poster:

2,505 posts

294 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Std OZ 15" split rims.

I'm following up a couple of other possible sources for original Tuscan wheels. Will see what happens.


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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What did I say...

I hope that other source isn't a purplish Wedge in a North London garage...


Original Poster:

2,505 posts

294 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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What did I say...

I hope that other source isn't a purplish Wedge in a North London garage...

No they didn't have a purplish Wedge just a creamy one with purplish wheels....I'm just taking the wheels from that one instead

I'll reveal my sources if I have any luck!