350i brake master cylinder

350i brake master cylinder



Original Poster:

273 posts

284 months

Wednesday 17th July 2002
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Anyone know what the 350i (1984) brake master cylinder came from?
Was it a Sierra (if so what model/year?).
I have tried a couple of Ford dealers, but they say their system cannot handle part numbers. They need model and year to find it.


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 17th July 2002
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Anyone know what the 350i (1984) brake master cylinder came from?
Was it a Sierra (if so what model/year?).
I have tried a couple of Ford dealers, but they say their system cannot handle part numbers. They need model and year to find it.

Any one of seven I'm afraid and none of them Sierra.
Either TR7, Capri, Ford Cortina or what ever they could find at the time. Count the number of brake pipes and how it attaches to the servo. Get the part number of the cylinder and go to a good motor factors or talk to one of the specialists. It's around £60-80.

Covered in the Wedge bible BTW.



104 posts

273 months

Wednesday 17th July 2002
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It's not too hard a job either to replace. Did mine on my series 1. Bit fiddly - got my part from the TVR Centre, though I suspect it won't be cheap these days if they have it in stock.

Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Thursday 18th July 2002
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Replaced mine last year and after trying to source it locally gave up and got one from Wedge Automotive. Easy to fit but take your time bleeding and make sure you do it in the right order - you might need to buy a pressure bleed kit - I did although if you have standard brakes it might be easier. The AP 4 pots on mine have 3 bleed nipples each, what a pain!


Original Poster:

273 posts

284 months

Monday 22nd July 2002
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thanks guys, I ended up getting one from Wedge Automotive, and it was a straight swap too. I still need to test them on the road which should get done next week sometime


534 posts

288 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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I also purchased mine from Wedge Automotive, took months, and when it arrived it was the wrong part - Wedge told me that they all use the same type and that he had never come across another type. With shipping duties and exchange it cost me over 100 pounds! Lands up it was for a Tasmin. Does anybody know a reliable source that will mail order one, this has put me off of Wedge I'am afraid. Rob in Canada.

Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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Surprised you had problems with WedgeAuto, they are usuallypretty good for spares. What model do you have and is it UK spec?? "David Gerald" are pretty good with parts for older cars so you might want try them - be worth having a chat with them first to make sure you can get the right bit. 0044 1386 793237 They are also on e-mail: TVRSales@DavidGeraldTVR.Freeserve.Co.UK


534 posts

288 months

Saturday 27th July 2002
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I have had pretty good luck with Wedge in the past, Richard is a very nice and helpful fellow. I am put off on a transaction such as this, when it is the wrong part it isn't economical to return.

- On my 350i coupe the inner wing has a recess for the brake master cylinder, and the unit supplied is so long it won't fit (plus the mounting is different). My car is a Left hand drive, and was imported to North America when new. My understanding is the master in my car was used for most mid 80's left hand drive V8 wedges. I will take your advice, and call to see if they can help.

Note: Please don't take my previous post as a warning to stay clear of Wedge, I think they are a good shop, and we wouldn't have a problem if I lived up the street - I will simply try a little harder to source my parts in North America first.


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 31st July 2002
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Wedge have always done me proud in the past, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them. It might have been worth e-mailing them a photo of the old part prior to getting them to ship abroad - just to be on the safe side
