Engine Cut Out
Is this repeatable? If so then I'd check that the headlamp operation is free and easy as if it's stiff. Then the alternator will have a hard time supplying the current and the ECU may be opening the idle speed control valve to compensate for the drop in engine speed - hence the surge in revs.
Have a similar problem at the moment............
Car cut out a few weeks ago then no power to the fuel pump so bypassed it by running live off the side lights.
As the above problem dissapeared I thought it was an intermittent relay but a symptom was irregular dipped / main beam / light pod operation.
I now believe the problem is to do with suspect wiring behind the top of the relay bank. As my car is waaay
from so called standard with a bank of extra relays and a whole host of additional fuses its pretty dificult sorting out whats what ( with no recorded layout ). If you wiggle the top 2 relays it creates all sorts of wierd effects on the lighting & fuelling.
Only way out is to get someone to remove fuse/relay boards & make up a new one .... I'm just really worried about the potential costs involved !!!
Maybe similar problems to yours ??
I may not be an electrical genius but a five year old could have made a better job than the 'bodgers' of Blackpool
Anbody suggest a top electrical wizard based in the s.east ??
Tim 450 SE
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