Sucking or Blowing?!

Sucking or Blowing?!



Original Poster:

205 posts

277 months

Sunday 14th July 2002
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Taken the Rad off my 280 for a re-core (nose mounted type).

The fan is fitted behind the rad - thought I might as well check it over whilst rad was removed - is it normal for the fan to "suck" air through rad instead of blowing air through??

Has it been mounted the wrong way round?


111 posts

273 months

Sunday 14th July 2002
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I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure it sucks. Otherwise it would be blowing against the air-flow when the car is moving.


104 posts

273 months

Sunday 14th July 2002
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Definitely should be sucking. The fans are shaped to suck in cooler air through the rad as the hot water passes through the veins. Hot water though the top, cooler water out the bottom and back into the engine thus keeping it cool...supposedly!


996 posts

294 months

Sunday 14th July 2002
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It should suck cool air through, if you think about it, it's doing the same job as if the car were moving (assuming fans come on when car is hot when stationary)


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 14th July 2002
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Yep, front to rear for the flow. If the fan is blowing the wrong way then reverse the wires. At least that is what I have done to fans in the past unless there are special motor types around that don't like that. If your car blows up its not my fault and I never said this

>> Edited by JMorgan on Sunday 14th July 22:13


Original Poster:

205 posts

277 months

Monday 15th July 2002
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Thanks Guys! I'll stick with the sucking after all!!


26,901 posts

276 months

Monday 15th July 2002
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Just a small point, but as the fan blades are shaped to create airflow, then reversing the wires, although it will work to some degree, will not be very efficient.
In effect it's like sticking the rotor blades on a helicopter upside down....



36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 15th July 2002
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It was just a point incase the wires were reversed already.