where on earth!!!

where on earth!!!



Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Saturday 13th July 2002
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Currently finishing off my body on chassis renovations whilst now at the rear of the car i've noticed an earth strap on the drivers side suspension top mount is broken, do you think I can see where it was attatched to???Can anyone shead some light on this or take a quick peak under there 400??


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 13th July 2002
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Earth strap? Photo or more info. I will be bored tomorrow. Need sommit to do.

>> Edited by JMorgan on Saturday 13th July 22:52


Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Sunday 14th July 2002
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facing the drivers side rear suspension, its at the top of the shocker on the right hand side of the chassis top mount, a longish bolt welded to the chassis, mine has half an earth strap dangling from it, its the missing half im intrested in!


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 14th July 2002
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Its up on a ramp tomorrow for an engine service. Will have a look if I can remember, 160 mile drive to get there so might get forgetful.


26,901 posts

276 months

Monday 15th July 2002
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I wouldn't worry about it too much: I have seen extreme cases of interference on car radios that has resulted in bonding straps everywhere, even between the wishbones and the chassis. My company van generates a lot of static when rolling along that is wheel-rotation-related; if you coast along with the engine off, the radio makes an interesting whine that changes pitch as you slow down! Maybe someone was trying to kill a similar problem on your car. On the other hand, maybe just an old engine-to-chassis strap that's been renewed elsewhere on the car.



8,507 posts

283 months

Monday 15th July 2002
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It's usually connected to the aerial. Not an earth strap in terms of starter motor power.

May or may not make any difference at all to the aerial performance!



36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 15th July 2002
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Found it an its like yours, dangling in mid air. Strap that is. My aerial is ok, bonded to a lot of foil in the boot.


Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Monday 15th July 2002
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Oh well thanks for looking, im pretty sure its not arial related because its on the opposite side of the car, and im also sure its factory fitted because the bolt was welded in before the chassis was powder coated and its only use is for the strap! its the same as one on the front crossmember which earths the engine to the chassis.One of those annoying things I guess, I will have another look though!


26,901 posts

276 months

Tuesday 16th July 2002
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Doh! I missed the words 'rear suspension'....!




805 posts

277 months

Tuesday 16th July 2002
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Oh well thanks for looking, im pretty sure its not arial related because its on the opposite side of the car, and im also sure its factory fitted because the bolt was welded in before the chassis was powder coated and its only use is for the strap! its the same as one on the front crossmember which earths the engine to the chassis.One of those annoying things I guess, I will have another look though!

Could this still be for the aerial? On mine the aerial is on the passenger side as well but it looks like it was moved there when a car phone was put in as there is a blanked off hole on the drivers side too. I would imagine it was more important to have the car phone aerial earthed than the radio.

>> Edited by gf350 on Tuesday 16th July 23:48


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 16th July 2002
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Problem with non metal cars is they don't have the best ground plane effect for any aerial at certain frequencies. But you get cell aerials that are window mounted. They work at higher frequencies and as I understand it are less affected as in you don't need so much of a ground plane as lower frequencies (stand to be corrected here).
Ground plane relies on part of a signal following the earths surface hence bolt an aerial to a metal car and the body acts as part of the aerial. On non metal try a fridge tray, metal grid type thingy to the earth of the aerial or a large ammount of foil.
Long time since I read a few books on this so I stand to be corrected.