400 series front brake mounting bells dimensions

400 series front brake mounting bells dimensions



Original Poster:

9 posts

272 months

Thursday 11th July 2002
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Can anyone give me an accurate sketch of a 400 series front brake rotor mounting bel please, I need to make a pair so accuracy is important. PCD of the bearing housing I can measure it's all the other dimensions I need.
Any engineers out there who can help?


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 11th July 2002
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Which bell are you referring to? The bell they used on the first big Wedge, the one the fitted on the second and so on. The brakes on these cars is best described as a law unto themselves with TVR using whatever they could find. And no there are no drwaings of these or any other bits on these cars. There is also no guarentee that the bell used on one car will fit yours especailly as it started out as a 350i which had different chassis and other bits.

IF you want bigger discs why not buy the size you want and then machine a bracket to take care of any adjustment. That way you can at lease ensure that you will be able to get spares.

If you fit big brakes over 300mm be prepared for pad knock out problems caused by the taper bearing play. This may require residual pressure valves and so on to address.



36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 11th July 2002
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If you are serious, are there any 400 owners near you that woudn't mind you having a nose?


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 11th July 2002
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PS Rally Design stock Wilwood blank bells that can be drilled and machined to provide any offet you want.



1,165 posts

278 months

Friday 12th July 2002
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John, I have the AP Bells and rotors with the princess calipers on a Tasmin 200. As the car isn't on the road yet and not likely to be in the next couple of months I would be happy to take one off so that you can copy it. I live in Manchester.
Regards. SteveE


Original Poster:

9 posts

272 months

Friday 12th July 2002
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Hi Stevee, thanks for your offer, I'm down here in deepest Somerset a long way from you, I need the inside dia of the bell, the location dia for the rotor, & most importantly the length of the bell. A list of those dimensions would be enough, that would be much appreciated, unfortunately I don't get to your part of the country very often. Many thanks, Best regards, John.


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 12th July 2002
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Doesn't the choice of rotor make a big difference to these values so that if you machine a bell with these dimensions, you are limiting yourself to a particular rotor. I would have thought it would be better to pick a rotor and work back from there rather than start from scratch.

Work out where the calliper is. Work out the offset for the rotor to centralise it. Then work out the length of the bell to provide that offset. Diameter and other bits is dependent on the rotor.

The Rally Design website has a lot of info on how to do this. www.raldes.co.uk

They also do the Princess calliper widening kits to allow 24+mm discs to be accomodated.



Original Poster:

9 posts

272 months

Friday 12th July 2002
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Thanks Steve (shpub), I think that's what I'm going to do, was hoping for an easy way in but I think you've got the right way. I am aware of the pad knock back problem, I think I've seen a valve advertised somwewhere that will prevent this, can't remember where. Demon Tweeks? do you know?, many thanks for the advice, John.


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 12th July 2002
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Rally Design again. You may need two depending on which of the seven of so brake master cylinders have been used. Some have a single line for the front brakes. Mine has two seperate ones and needs two valves.



Original Poster:

9 posts

272 months

Friday 12th July 2002
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Steve can you give me contact info for Rally Design please, Many thanks, John.


33 posts

279 months

Monday 15th July 2002
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Phone number for Rally Design is 01795 531871, fax 01795 539930, and e-mail is raldes@globalnet.co.uk. Good luck.