350 Front Suspension
I have started dismantling parts from the front suspension from my 1984 350i. Unfortunately one of the drop link nuts sheared off! Is this part readily available? I believe it’s based on a Mk IV Cortina? Also I need replacement front springs (one has a break), new shocks and bushes. Any guidance on parts, prices and contact numbers greatly appreciated. I hope to carry out the work myself with the aid of the wedge bible.
>>> Edited by 350tasmin on Wednesday 10th July 23:12
>>> Edited by 350tasmin on Wednesday 10th July 23:12
Unlucky with the sheared nut, unfortunately I think you will find it is a TVR special part. There are 2 (at least) different set-ups, no surprise there then, and the drop link on my '85 350 is definately different from the one in the Mk4 Cortina Haynes manual, i.e. not a Ford part. If you can send me a picture I can check if it's the same as mine, or I can scan in the page from the Haynes manual for you.
I think you will either need to get the part from a TVR dealer or a scapped car.
I think you will either need to get the part from a TVR dealer or a scapped car.
The drop link is a TVR special but is no longer made. I doubt if a Cortina one would fit or could be modified to fit. If the threaded stud has sheared, then it might be possible to weld a new piece on, turn it down on a lathe and then thread it.
Tower View and I am in the process of making od rose jointed version as I am fed up with knavkering the bushes. As for shocks and springs and other bits... Wedge or Tower View are good places to start with.
Tower View and I am in the process of making od rose jointed version as I am fed up with knavkering the bushes. As for shocks and springs and other bits... Wedge or Tower View are good places to start with.
There is a company called Turton Tonks Springs in Sheffield that made the springs for 350's & other tivs, they can still supply & are very cheap, around £18 a spring the last ones I bought. For uprated springs Richard Thorpe's as good as anyone (Wedge Automotive), AVO will supply shocks direct as I just found out. Best of luck with the drop link.
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