



Original Poster:

3,799 posts

290 months

Wednesday 10th July 2002
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It'd be nice to upgrade my driveshafts to the big UJ / 400 spec, any ideas where I could find a pair and for how much?



8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 10th July 2002
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About your only chance is from the factory, unless you can find a scrapped big engine wedge. Cost is around £500 a side for new.

If my tractor UJs don't work, then I think I'll be having some CV jointed drift shafts made...



9 posts

272 months

Thursday 11th July 2002
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There's one possibility, I've got 400 shafts on my car plus the bill for £1100, fitted by the previous owner I'm glad to say. All that aside ring RECOPROP,at their London HQ, they make up Le Mans car props & drive shafts & may well be able to cut the yokes off & weld new large size yokes in, fit UJ's & re-balance the shafts. Probably for a lot less money than a pair of 400 shafts, I don't know if the tubes are the same size on the 350 if they are there should be no problem.
They were great when they did a prop for me, had one from a TIV dealers but 'twas so far out of balance that it was ridiculous. RECOPROP did mine new joints & balanced £70 + carriage. First class job, done 30k & still going strong, with 4.6 litres whirring it round.
Hope this will help, best of luck with it.


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 11th July 2002
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Except that the splined drive shaft that goes through the hub carrier is a precision machined single casting. Not a problem making a new shaft itself but replacing that bit is expensive. Not sure a welded yoke version would be as strong or as reslilent. As the shaft also acts like the top wishbone, the stresses on it are not normal which is why the UJs die.

I know a lot of the dealers have looked at alterntaives to the new shafts but, noone has come up with anything that provides the same level of strength which is the whole idea in the first place.



26,901 posts

276 months

Friday 12th July 2002
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Tut tut. If only Jonesy & Winterbottom had specced a fabricated top wishbone in the first place, they could have got away with a couple of Skoda Estelle driveshafts.... ;-)
