Pops n Bangs

Pops n Bangs



Original Poster:

4,486 posts

291 months

Sunday 13th May 2001
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I used to have a 350i that made some fantastic noises on the overrun, my 400SE does nothing...what do u have to do to make it pop and bang..I have a variable fuel pressure regulator fitted if that makes any difference, my car also runs on unleaded.


Edited by Hilts on Sunday 24th June 00:45


2,282 posts

291 months

Sunday 13th May 2001
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30,572 posts

293 months

Monday 14th May 2001
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They seem to do it more if you have an air leak into the exhaust manifold, it probably helps if the engine is set up rich too. Finally, I guess most cars have an overrun fuel cut-off which reduces the amount of fuel sloshing around in the exhaust, sometimes a poorly adjusted throttle sensor or throttle stop can prevent this from coming in. All possible reasons why a poorly set up 350 might sound better than a well maintained 400. :-( Cheers, Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)
I used to have a 350i that made some fantastic noises on the overrun, my 400SE does nothing...what do u have to do to make it pop and bang..I have a variable fuel pressure regulator fitted if that makes any difference, my car also runs on unleaded. Cheers JC 400SE


Original Poster:

4,486 posts

291 months

Monday 14th May 2001
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>They seem to do it more if you have an >air leak into the exhaust manifold

You're spot on there Pete, just had one of my manifolds skimmed and the popping has completely gone..so are u saying it's better not to have the cars do this (ie pop n bang)? it's just that I preferred the 350s noise...yep childish a bit I know :-)

Edited by Hilts on Sunday 24th June 00:45


23 posts

293 months

Tuesday 15th May 2001
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I also found that cam timing/lift also had an effect - I guess due to mixture escaping into exhaust. Do you know if flames exit exhaust on over run?


30,572 posts

293 months

Tuesday 15th May 2001
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are u saying it's better not to have the cars do this (ie pop n bang)? it's just that I preferred the 350s noise...yep childish a bit I know :-)
Yeah, very childish isn't it? Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)


6,025 posts

292 months

Wednesday 16th May 2001
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I dont get so many pops and bangs.. nore like cracks and flames ! I guess thats what comes from a wild camshaft and overfueling ! still, t returns me a reasonable fuel economy 25+ on a motorway and 15 - 20 mph around town.