Water seems to be VERY hot

Water seems to be VERY hot



Original Poster:

170 posts

279 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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The thermometer on the dash shows the water is 132ºC (270 F)!!!
The radiotor is already replaced for a larger one and it works. Could it be the thermometer itself? Or does anyone have another idea?

Almost forgot: It's a "83 Tasmin 280i

>>> Edited by Cathelijne on Monday 8th July 22:43


1,244 posts

277 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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Guess at 132C steam would be leaving the pressure valve, so I'm guessing your temp sensor has gone faulty. Shouldn't be too expensive a part to replace!

Alstublieft + tot seins (bad spelling!!)


Original Poster:

170 posts

279 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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Guess at 132C steam would be leaving the pressure valve, so I'm guessing your temp sensor has gone faulty. Shouldn't be too expensive a part to replace!

Alstublieft + tot seins (bad spelling!!)

It is't that bad, it's "tot ziens"

2 Sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Wednesday 10th July 2002
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You could apply some temperature strips on the rad and thermostat housing , these are crystal filled self adhesive themometers (like fishtank type)they measure and retain max temp reached. from Think Automotive 020 8568 1172.