Mines an 81, same switches as the ones on Page 108 of the bible. I would appreciate at contact number for the company you visited, I can get a bag full at that price.
It was about 9 or so years ago but a thought of the route you could take to get them. Switch in hand and does it match etc. Not sure if they exist anymore, the company that is
>> Edited by JMorgan on Tuesday 9th July 16:34
While your on air, is anyone doing poly trailing arm bushes or is it better staying with rubber and getting the mod stays. I'm hillclimbing the car so no worries about road comfort.
Not totally sure. I think the way forward is to rosejoint the things but it is incredible expensive!
I would probably go with stays but check the regs as that may dump you out of class as it is a suspension mod. Steve
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