Wedge pages gone again?

Wedge pages gone again?



Original Poster:

365 posts

190 months

Friday 23rd August 2013
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Went to pull some info from the wedge pages site but can't find it again. Guess the host server contract or site license is gone. Anybody know how to acess an old net page?


7,294 posts

219 months

Friday 23rd August 2013
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Use the 'Wayback Machine'


1,144 posts

230 months

Friday 23rd August 2013
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Ah that's a pity, usually when it comes to an end of a run, somebody normally pipes up and takes it on. I wonder what has happened and if it can be retrieved???? sonar


Original Poster:

365 posts

190 months

Friday 23rd August 2013
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Can't get wayback machine to work. Anybody else have other ideas?


26,898 posts

274 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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I thought someone from here acquired it a couple of years ago, made noises about updating and improving it and then seemingly did nothing with it?

Henry Harris

566 posts

208 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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If you look at, you will see the page heading as The TVR Wedge Page.

However the root address is The SEAC Pages.

I remember when someone took over these pages, but I cannot recall who.

Edited by Henry Harris on Sunday 25th August 08:33


Original Poster:

365 posts

190 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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Yeah, but the links to the actual pages on that are dead.


7,294 posts

219 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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I'm pretty sure it was Gandalf that acquired the Wedge Pages?

He's the Wedge editor for Sprint and wanted to remain so after our last review, that said I haven't seen him posting here or indeed anywhere much for a while, maybe he's not well?


1,144 posts

230 months

Sunday 1st September 2013
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Did we get anywhere finding out what happened to WedgePages ???????? sonar

I emailed Steve but no reply as of yet. It will be a huge pity if this is gone for good!!!!!!!!!

Anyone know how else we can chase this one down?



36,010 posts

293 months

Sunday 1st September 2013
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Not heard from Steve in a while. Everything OK out there?


1,144 posts

230 months

Thursday 5th September 2013
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Have got a couple of feelers out looking for Steve, so let's see what comes of it. Don't want to see the pages gone for good, if we can do something about it. sonar

V8 Fettler

7,019 posts

141 months

Thursday 5th September 2013
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beacon said:
Have got a couple of feelers out looking for Steve, so let's see what comes of it. Don't want to see the pages gone for good, if we can do something about it. sonar
I'm sure there are copies of the pages somewhere, but are they not copyright to Steve?


2,062 posts

237 months

Thursday 5th September 2013
quotequote all domian is suspended from 23 July this year - looks like it's expired.

I have a VPS and happy to host the content


1,144 posts

230 months

Friday 6th September 2013
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Ta guys, had already got that far but no good without the original hosted content....... :@(..... it would be good to keep the original pages going. sonar


26,244 posts

267 months

Friday 6th September 2013
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Now who do I know that lives in Caerfilthy wink


2,869 posts

291 months

Friday 6th September 2013
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I wonder.


adam quantrill

11,584 posts

251 months

Sunday 8th September 2013
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Try this link:

The wayback machine now has all the pictures included so the articles actually make sense!


26,898 posts

274 months

Tuesday 27th September 2016
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Bump just for the hell of it and to say that the link to the archive still works, for those who may have never seen the Wedgepages biggrin

I wonder how many of the owners featured still have their Wedges... whistle


2,190 posts

276 months

Tuesday 27th September 2016
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I'm still here and I had a look through the owners gallery, and there I am.
It would be interesting if any new wedgers see their cars with previous owners.


1,223 posts

269 months

Thursday 29th September 2016
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Good bump!