oil pressure in bars??

oil pressure in bars??


rory d

Original Poster:

21 posts

277 months

Monday 8th July 2002
quotequote all
i own a 86 350i, with 88,000 on the clock, does any one now the figure in bars of pressure that my car should have on tickover hot and cold?????


30,632 posts

295 months

Monday 8th July 2002
quotequote all
I'd exoect anything from 15 psi (1 bar) hot, up to maybe 45 psi (3 bar) cold. But it varies enourmously with engine temperature and oil type, as well as engine condition. Less than 1 bar I'd start to get concerned, although a very hot engine with a low tickover may be in that sort of region.

c j morgan

44 posts

278 months

Tuesday 23rd July 2002
quotequote all
rory buy a subaru turbo wrx and say bye to that slow
6.5 0/60 and be in the 5 sec to 60 you need that
you no you do

>> Edited by c j morgan on Saturday 27th July 23:47