


Original Poster:

42 posts

272 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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I have recently bought a 350i. I put the timing light on it and found it was running TDC rather than TVR's suggested 8 degrees BTDC. I ajusted to 8 and then to 6 and then 4 degrees BTDC and it pinks badly. It is now running 2 degrees advance and is happy, however I can not believe this is normal. Any suggestions ?


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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I have recently bought a 350i. I put the timing light on it and found it was running TDC rather than TVR's suggested 8 degrees BTDC. I ajusted to 8 and then to 6 and then 4 degrees BTDC and it pinks badly. It is now running 2 degrees advance and is happy, however I can not believe this is normal. Any suggestions ?

1. Timing marks have been known to be less than accurate!

2. Problem with the distributor especially vaccuum advance unit and misaligned optical sensor unit internally.


Danny Hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Does the engine pink when it is partly warm, how hot does it run when fully warm? My 350i used to warm up to 80 degrees and stay there on a run, but in traffic it would quickly rise to 90, even 100 if it was hot. Pinking then became a problem. I had the knackered rad reconditioned with a 3 row core and it has not pinked since. Maybe you are just running a bit hot?



Original Poster:

42 posts

272 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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The temp stays at around 90 c and the interior heater does'nt blow superheated air into the cabin, so I guess it is about right. Are you running 8 degrees advance ?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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Making the massive assumption that both our gauges are accurate, then your car is running 10 degrees hotter than mine. This could well be the problem, and yes my car is set to 8 degrees.

As a test you could try overiding the electric fans on the radiator from cold, and if they keep the temp down - see if the pinking goes away.

As to the heater blowing superheated air, I would say if you can feel any heat at all - then the car has seriously overheated!!, joking aside, the heat output is not wonderful to say the least.

Finally, it might be worth checking the thermostat



Original Poster:

42 posts

272 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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Thanks Danny,
New thermostat has reduced running temp by atleast 10 degrees, I am now running 6/7 degrees with no problem.
The stat that came out was badly corroded.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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Glad you've got sorted!