Engine noises.

Engine noises.



Original Poster:

488 posts

286 months

Thursday 4th July 2002
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Hello all,

This may sound like one of those "it could be anything" questions, but I thought I would ask it anyway.

The engine on my 350i is really clattery on acceleration. It sounds like really severe pinking, but I can't be sure. I have been messing around with the timing for ages, but whatever I do the clattering never changes. It sounds like a pedal bike chain being dragged over the sprockets.

The engine power seems fine and the car has been running like this for probably 3000 miles now. Is there anything else that could make a noise like this? I have read "The Bible" and checked all the points here, but I don't have a lot of money for full engine services etc. Its probably impossible to diagnose without hearing it, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

Best regards

(Green and Silver 350i)

Danny Hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 4th July 2002
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The engine has hydraulice tappets so lack of oil would cause this possibly (sorry if this is a bit obvious!)

The camshaft is driven by a short chain, which does not have a tensioner - so this could be the problem, although I have not heard of this before. You can uprate the chain to a heavy duty item with the engine still in the car. Parts are cheap and it's not too difficult.

If it is pinking, maybe your distributer is shot?


Danny Hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 4th July 2002
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One more thing - if it does turn out to be the distributor and you end up changing it - can I have the old one please?




104 posts

273 months

Thursday 4th July 2002
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One more thing - if it does turn out to be the distributor and you end up changing it - can I have the old one please?



Why would you need a knackered distributor???]

>> Edited by Schazzar on Thursday 4th July 20:55

Danny Hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 4th July 2002
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I want to make a better tool for priming the oil pump (which I do every oil change). Currently I use a bit of 15mm copper with the end squashed.



26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th July 2002
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I used a long bolt and sawed a slot in the end! Couple of layers of heatshrink sleeving to stop it scoring the alloy if you get a bit carried away.

Regarding the noises: it might be the timing chain, but if it gets as slack as my ex-wife's pants it'll start to affect the running of the engine. Otherwise, it could be waterpump or alternator bearings are shot.



8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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I want to make a better tool for priming the oil pump (which I do every oil change). Currently I use a bit of 15mm copper with the end squashed.


Rimmer Bros have started selling such an item for about 8 pounds.
