TVR - why-o-why do I love you

TVR - why-o-why do I love you



Original Poster:

19,928 posts

277 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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The day: Sunday 30 June 2002
The Location: Langdale, Lake District
The Destination: Crewe, Cheshire
The Weather: P***ing Down

You might think that having a destination of Crewe was daunting enough but this journey was bad, real bad.

After persuading my beloved to go to the lakes in the Wedge for the weekend, we faced a simple journey back home after the World Cup Final.

At 3pm we finally set off after I'd cracked a joke, saying that the windscreen wipers would pack up on the way home. HA HA, how I chuckled to myself as she laughed at my little quip.

As we headed off in the pouring, seriously hazardous rain, we reached Windermere where the traffic started to slow as people made their way towards the M6. Lucky enough, the flow of traffic kept moving and it was at this stage that I thought it would be a good idea to stop at the upcoming BP garage for my Bensons before we hit the motorway.

The garage appeared shortly after a purple Griff had passed with a waving hand of TVR recognition. I pulled in and hopped out to get my fags. At least if we got held up, I'd have some cigs to pass the time.

It was at this point that things started to go a bit wrong. As I lowered myself into the car, strapped myself in and started the engine, I was convinced I'd left the wipers on intermitent - but they did'nt come on. Nor did the demist blower. Nor did my usually smiling mouth. "Whats up?", she said. "The Wipers!", I said. The temptation of fate, I thought.

It was'nt the fuse or the relay and I'm afraid my checklist stops there as far as ideas go.

After 20 minutes of debating things, I thought I'd try to drive without them - anyone who's done this will know its not a good idea. As it happens, in a Wedge the screen slopes sufficiently well enough that water half clears ar 55mph so I thought I'd keep going.

It did'nt matter too much as the M6 was crawling so I thought I'd try to keep going at least to the next junction. O.K, one more junction was achievable, then another, then another and so on. The fact was that the traffic was that bad, it took 4 hours to get to junction 29 near Preston. The fan was managing to keep the engine cool but steam was coming out of my head faster than the Flying Scotsman. If the wipers were working, I still would'nt have been able to see as the windows were so misted up that people must have thought I was shagging whilst on the move!

Half my Bensons were smoked.

I was approaching breaking point by the fourth hour but then, could it be, YES the traffic started to move as we passed through the unmanned roadworks. I think we're gonna be O.K now I said, as the rain lashed down hard enough to dislodge the other rain blocking my vision.

By Junction 21 I was tired, battered and defeated but I kept going. What's this, I thought to myself as the clutch pedal seemed to be different to normal. Could it be another problem? I pressed it in again.

"The clutch is on its way out", I said in a monotone, zombie type voice. "HA HA", she said, "Dont fool around". I did'nt need to say anything else. I just let the crunching / revving / crunching sounds do all the talking for the short bit of journey that was left.

5 Hours and 20 minutes after my original joke about the wipers, I finally managed to back the means of transport into my garage.

Now - excuse me if I'm wrong but are'nt fags supposed to do you harm and TVR's are supposed to be a release of pressure ?????

It Will Be Back .........................


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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After suffering the M6 on the way back from Chatsworth my sympathies are with you for that alone. Where do the come from on a Sunday?!
Ouch though, it was sunny and my clutch worked and I knew my way around there, so I was able to A road a lot of it. My 1 1/2 hours to get from 15 to the M5 were not as bad as I thought.
Good luck on the repairs.

nick heppinstall

8,363 posts

291 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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Yup the joys of Wedge ownership. Each time I leave the house in the 400 I say 3 hail Mary's, throw Holy water on it and have it blessed by the local priest while walking around it anti-clockwise......


856 posts

293 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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I found that sacrificing the odd goat helps to appease the TVR demon. My advice is not to do it in the lounge as it tends to get a bit messy.


Broadside at the sacrificial goat emporium.


21,560 posts

295 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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I hope it's just the slave cylinders ... the clutch on
wedges is a bitch ... about 12 hours or 1 weekend.

You have to either take the engine out or move it forward a lot !

Good luck.


684 posts

292 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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I thought Rain-X was just the standard for every TVR driver....

Danny Hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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Sounds like hydraulics - here's hoping

taz 24

62 posts

278 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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Know the feeling, convinced the new wife to let me drive her from the church in the Taz after our wedding, the Tvr gremlin struck on the busiest island in Chester, cut out and would not start. Full monty white ribbons, horse shoes the lot, what a t**t! Best man did a good job giving us a bump start while the families watched in disbelief.....good luck.


349 posts

287 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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I remember that before buying my wedge, someone said to me - "you definitely need a sense of humour to own a TVR" And they were probably right. however i have just returned from a 3000 mile round trip of France, and apart from discovering the car's fitted swimming pool one morning after a night of heavy rain, she gave me no hassle. I did make sure i had AA Five star european cover JUST in case.
One english guy i got chatting to at the french/Swiss border saw my car and said- Well done .....Have you broken down yet?? My mates got a Cerbera, and its always in the garage. Bloody Cheek!
Dont forget TVR used a lot of Lucas parts including wiper motors!which reminds me of a pal's T-Shirt Dedicated to Lucas. He lives in the States where Lucas is a bit of a dirty word to classic car enthusiasts. It says LUCAS- Prince of darkness. and underneath is a picture of an old toggle switch with three positions-labelled Off, Dim, Flicker!!


12,654 posts

291 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2002
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I am either a total tt or a hero. I am intending to export a big wedge to Hungary where I now live. I will of course stock up with spares before leaving the UK and am looking forward to the drive across, hopefully next summer. I am suffering such severe withdrawal symptoms that I have to have a wedge soon.


2,869 posts

293 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2002
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Rain-X would have helped. I tried it and was amazed, the rain just flies off the screen, even at low speeds!.

Check the slave cylinders, hopefully they may just need bleeding and topping up (?).


>> Edited by mikeb on Wednesday 3rd July 09:43


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2002
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Rain X anti mist fogging for the inside stuff also works wonders on the inside.

>> Edited by JMorgan on Wednesday 3rd July 09:47


2,869 posts

293 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2002
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Hi Jeff,

Have you tried the anti-fogging stuff??.



36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2002
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That the stuff. Mutz nutz.


Original Poster:

19,928 posts

277 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2002
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Thanks for your help guys. Now I've calmed down and I'm in a better frame of mind, I must admit that for the last 5 years, I've had very trouble free motoring. I hope I've had my dose of bad luck for another 5 years. We'll see !!!


26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th July 2002
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If you want 'dumped in the doo-doo'...
Wife and I went to 'Back Home' a few years back ('97, the Golden Jubilee in fact!). Tasmin got all the way there before I realised it was running on 5 cylinders, wouldn't idle and then decided it needed a bad earth to the starter. So we got there late, found the seafront cavalcade in full flow and we were going the wrong way! Some pompous git even fumed about it in 'Sprint', I recall. Ended up having to bump-start the car several times, missed being in the 'official' video, made it home in a right mood and discovered the rings had broken up on one cylinder, writing off the engine.
What fun.
...and then I bought ANOTHER wedge...
