poly bushes

poly bushes



Original Poster:

166 posts

294 months

Monday 1st July 2002
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has anyone fitted polyurethene bushes to their wedge?
im thinking of replacing all components on the front suspension, done the springs and shockers, now thinking of all bushes, ball joints, steering rack, coloumn uj's etc, i was just wondering how drivable the car would be on bumpy b roads, it is a bit wooly at the moment but i thought i may go the other way and be very skittish, any help please.

Danny Hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 1st July 2002
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I changed the control arm/roll bars bushes recently on the 350i

It was a amazingly easy to do - no problems at all.

How does the car feel? well the steering is more direct/less wandery, and I no longer have the feeling of the car's mass moving around as I turn into a bend (the bushes at the end of my front roll bar were totally shot)



681 posts

273 months

Monday 1st July 2002
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I recently had bushings replaced on the front end of
my 1983 Tasmin and it feels great. I used poly
bushes also.


32 posts

286 months

Tuesday 9th July 2002
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Having fitted the superflex bushes, last year, the front end now turns in and feels 'right', whilst the front suspension was off, my mechanic noticed the steering rack had been fitted with the wrong Width bolts so there was 2-3mm of play in the mounting!. Since then car was transformed!. the ride is firm but not crashy. These bushes will last 4-5 times longer that the rubber ones to so the extra dosh is worth it. People told me that TVR's handling was pretty scary anyway so i put up with it for 2 years!.. I thought they were all like that.. Now ive got the back end to worry about- Thats rebushed too, but the Nut behind the wheel can still alter the way it handles!!


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 9th July 2002
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If you have the Rover rack, the different size bolts make no difference as there are two locating pegs that fix the rack position to the chassis. All the bolts due is stop the rack jumping out.
