To spray.. or not to spray..

To spray.. or not to spray..



Original Poster:

117 posts

283 months

Monday 1st July 2002
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I've got a Tasmin 280, one of the early models, a Y reg. Mechanically, it's in excellent nick... however, the external cosmetics leave a bit to be desired.

It's a cyan-blue colour paint (check the picture with my profile), and the bonnet and boot paintwork has dulled quite a lot.. and no amount of wax seems to restore it's sheen. Also, I've got scratches down both doors (where some ba*ta*d decided to scrape it.)

OK.. thats the background..

I've shopped around a bit for prices for resprays and the best I've found is £1200. I know it's a major job, but it's not worth spending that much money - I'd never recoup any of it if I came to sell the car.

Does anyone know of anybody who might charge less (as in below £800) or might be able to suggest any alternatives?!?! I'm not bothered about spraying inside the bonnet or anything...


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 1st July 2002
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I suppose it depends how long you plan to keep the car. The bottom line is you will not recoup the cost of the respray if you came to sell it, but there is no point in getting it bodged if you plan to keep the car forever.

Maybe you can do some of the preperation yourself to reduce the bill?



Original Poster:

117 posts

283 months

Monday 1st July 2002
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I'd like to keep the car for another year or so (although if I can't sort this cosmetics issue out, I'd be temped to sell it spend the extra cash on a more recent wedge.)

I'd be happy to do any work myself, although I don't have a garage (which limits my options!)

Does anybody know any competitvely priced spray shops in London?


20 posts

272 months

Wednesday 31st July 2002
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i,ve just had my tvr350i painted (really good job done)cost £600.e,mail me if you are interested (birmingham area)i,ll tell you more


1,474 posts

279 months

Wednesday 31st July 2002
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really good job for £600! yeah right.
your standards of good might not be very high?
you get what you pay for! a rubbish paint job will make the car less valueable, as people will look at it and assume you are hiding bodged damage.
wait another year and save some more pennies to get the job done properly.


13,241 posts

280 months

Wednesday 31st July 2002
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i did all of the prep work on my old mgb roadster and towed it round to the bodyshop, fully prep'd and ready for primer / paint.... cost me £150 for a perfect respray, I think you should get a decent respray for £2-300 on a wedge if you do all the prep



170 posts

279 months

Sunday 4th August 2002
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I had my Tasmin 280 conv resprayed partly. When I bought it, it had 2 huge scratches on both rear sites. Thanks to the previous owner...
The way of spraying was good, but the color could be better. The metallic white they used for respraying has just some difference with the orgininal color. The costs were € 400,- (about £ 200)