wheel hubs

wheel hubs



Original Poster:

166 posts

294 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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i was wondering if any of the other ford wheel hubs fit on to the front and rear drive assembly, knowing what ford are like most of their stuff seems to be pretty universal, i would like to find a four stud pattern hub such as the one on sierra cosworths etc, hopefully making it easier to find some wheels with the right pcd and offset.


1,165 posts

278 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I am guessing but maybe Cortina as the wishbones used are Cortina but the hubs Granada so you would think they could be interchangeable.
As the Sierra doesn't use wishbones I wouldn't have thought that was an option.
Cheers SteveE

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I think the standard offset/pdc is the same as some mercs (124 series rings a bell)



14 posts

274 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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the pdc is merc at 112 and the offset is about 23, the offset is the hard bit to find.
Good luck

>> Edited by bigdavid on Wednesday 26th June 23:25