power steering

power steering



Original Poster:

166 posts

294 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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hi, has anyone here fitted power steering to their wedge and if so was it difficult and are the bits easily avaliable?


1,763 posts

276 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I asked the question of a TVR dealer (who of course may not have been the best person to ask).

Anyway he said yes and no respectively - only to consider it if the car was my ultimate heart's desire ands I was planning to keep it for decades.

Or words to that effect.

Now I'm waiting for Steve or Peter to tell me I'm talking out of my ar$e AGAIN!!


3,799 posts

290 months

Thursday 27th June 2002
quotequote all
I retro-fitted power steering to mine, the main problems were finding a Mk5 Cortina power rack and then making a pulley to suit. However TVR fitted several variations of rack to these cars and you'll need to know what you've got.



8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 27th June 2002
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There is also the minor problem concerning the chassis as the PAS cars had a different chassis so that one of the front down tubes did not foul the rack. There are people that have cut and shut these tubes but and this is a big but, it is one of the braces for the main suspension arm and consequently shouldn't really be touched in this way.

I know of a couple of cars that have been done in this way and I think their owners will struggle to sell them as it is a pretty obvious repair.
