More speedo worries.

More speedo worries.



Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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Hi All,
I have taken the plunge and bought a wedge, so now I just need to fix a couple of litte things. I have read the thread below about fixing a speedo cable, and have a bad feeling about my situation.

The speedo cable is missing entirely, after a conversion to an automatic gearbox. Since the conversion the previous owner never got around to getting a new cable. Now I want to get it fixed, but I'm not sure where to start.

How on earth am I going to find out what kind of connection is on the gearbox? I spoke to Speedy Cables today, and they can make up whatever I need, but I don't know what I need. Also with no previous cable to guide me, how am I ever going to get it hooked up to the speedo.

Any advice at all would be gratefully recieved. I don't even know if I could pick out a geabox in a line-up, never mind a speedo connection!



14,944 posts

281 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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Don't panic!
If you know the gearbox type then Speedy cables will know what the connector should be.
The length will only need to be as long as it needs to get to the connector (mines under the bonnet on the 400, near the brake servo).
Theonly thing you might need to sort out is the gearing for the drive in the gearbox itself so that it corresponds to the Speedo calibration.
Even that can't be too hard to sort.
Start with the gearbox type - ZF, BW or whatever, get a casing or part number for it and contact the manufacturer. They should be able to find the relevant data for you.
Good luck
Andy 400se


Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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Don't panic!

I'm glad you don't think I should panic, because I was a bit worried. I think I can find out from the guy who owned it what the gearbox was taken from. Hopefully the model and approximate year will be enough info. Otherwise I'll be scrabbling around under the car trying to find out.

So the cable doesn't go directly to the speedo then, that's a relief. I only have half the problem I thought I had.

I must say that It is very reassuring to have this forum. I'm not too hot when it comes to mechanics (computers are my thing), so the advice is just what I need.

Thanks your help (and everyone that has helped me get this far)



349 posts

287 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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I think that you may have been led on a bit of a wild goose-chase here,The cable PASSES through the bulkhead near the Brake servo THEN to the speedo. unless on the 400's it goes to an intermediate box (as would happen if a car had cruise control,say.)Cant speak for 400's
Any info guys?


Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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The cable PASSES through the bulkhead near the Brake servo THEN to the speedo.

Oh, I'll just panic a little bit then.


26,901 posts

276 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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Sticking my neck RIGHT out....

The autobox is probably a Borg Warner Type 65 or 66, as that's what the SD1 had. I'd imagine the Rangey's to be something totally different owing to the centre diff etc.
Speedy et al will know the Borg Warner, I'm sure.
On the manual, the cable drive is on the nearside of the box, just forward of the output flange. There's a retaining clamp that holds the cable in place; maybe the auto has a screwed fitting and/or needs a longer cable.
You can always use the tacho as a guide (at least in top gear): roughly speaking, assuming standard 3.54:1 diff fitted, then every 1000RPM equals 25.5 MPH. Give or take a bit. Approximately. Or thereabouts.



14,944 posts

281 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I think that you may have been led on a bit of a wild goose-chase here,The cable PASSES through the bulkhead near the Brake servo THEN to the speedo. unless on the 400's it goes to an intermediate box (as would happen if a car had cruise control,say.)Cant speak for 400's
Any info guys?

Good point, I have a 400.
On these, the cable comes from the box to a little electronic unit down by the brake servo under the bonnet. I believe this unit lifts the idle slightly when the car is rolling along in traffic. From that unit there is a short cable through the bulkhead to the speedo.
I suspect that the actual spec depends what day of the week TVR built the car! One thing is for sure though, as long as he gets the gearbox type it really shouldn't be a problem to have a cable made up. If its a bit too long it won't matter. and finding a hole in the bulkhead on a TVR to pass a cable through shouldn't be a problem either!
Andy 400se


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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The unit generates an electronic signal for the ECU.
