280i common trouble spots

280i common trouble spots


Red Baron

Original Poster:

2 posts

273 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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I'm thinking of buying a 280i. What are common trouble spots to watch out for, apart from usual 15 - 20 year old car weaknesses?


1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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As a past 280i owner I'd say check the chassis for rust and make sure the gearbox seems okay, as both can end up being big jobs to remedy.

Other than that keep an eye on the electrics (especially the pop up headlights).

Oh, and buy Steve Heath's Wedge Bible - it should provide you with most (if not all) of the information you need.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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I would say the electric windows are more important than the headlights as the headlight motors are easy to obtain TR7 parts - however no-one seems to know where the windows motors are from (Italy??).

I would add rear UJs (relatively easy to sort), rear brakes/handbrake (particularly on little used cars), bodged electrics, interior condition & hood (if these are important to you)


117 posts

283 months

Monday 1st July 2002
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Danny, you've just quoted all my Tasmin's faults perfectly!

Big one is the electric windows... I managed to find a couple who were converting their Tasmin FHC for the Tasmin Challenge, and they gave me theirs. However, the windows still aren't right.. I have to "adjust" them every time I want to put the roof up.

Also, check the seals and the carpet for any signs of damp / decay. But I s'pose that's part of the Wedge charm!


170 posts

279 months

Monday 1st July 2002
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Oh, and buy Steve Heath's Wedge Bible - it should provide you with most (if not all) of the information you need.

When you have a Wedge you sure need Steve's Bible.
The most difficult (or "interesting") things are the electrics. You can expect anything (I know it...)
The window motor is another strange thing. I had to make the left window manual (push=down, pull=up)

But I love it; the looks and (of cause) the sound.

Danny Hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 1st July 2002
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What do mean by ?

There is a cable which limits the upward travel - maybe this is the prob?



117 posts

283 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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My window problem was with the window guides... the rubber's coroded so the window doesn't always come up straight. Also, the mounting holes for the window motors had enlarged, so the motor use to move!

But get a copy of Steve's bible... it's the dogs.

>> Edited by jonknight on Tuesday 2nd July 12:26

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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I am sure that new rubber is cheap (or second hand even cheaper from the scrap yard).

As to enlarged mounting holes - I think they are supposed to be, to allow some adjustment


Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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Watch out for the early "black wire" cars - (all wiring black) as they are apparently a nightmare if you have electrical problems.

Red Baron

Original Poster:

2 posts

273 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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Thanx to all for info so far.

Brm Brm: You're kidding!?! Do you mean they outdid the Princes of Darkness? What model years would that be?

Having owned a Lotus for 3 years I've experienced a few "foibles", but nothing like that.

Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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Black wiring was on early cars up to early 1982 if I remember rightly - the wires had coloured rings originally but after 20 years you can imagine how many will be left!!

Danny Hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2002
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I used to work at the BBC and the cables in the old mixing desks were all the same colour. Basically there were so many of them that there weren't enough colours - so they kept it "simple" all pink from memory!



170 posts

279 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2002
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Black wiring was on early cars up to early 1982 if I remember rightly - the wires had coloured rings originally but after 20 years you can imagine how many will be left!!

Not exactly... On the papers belonging to my wedge stands it's from '83, but the wiring are all black. But I also know the chassisnr is from june (not sure, could be july too) '82. I guess it took a while before it was sold.


1,165 posts

278 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2002
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I don't think the window runner guides are a popular size. When I tried to source some new ones a couple of years back none of the trimmers had the correct size/shape profile.
Wedge Automotive supplied some.


960 posts

294 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2002
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Big one is the electric windows... I managed to find a couple who were converting their Tasmin FHC for the Tasmin Challenge, and they gave me theirs.

I found that the motor and mechanism is basically the same as used in the doors of Rover SDi's with electric windows. Not too easy to find in the breakers these days. i think i had to drill out a couple of rivets and re-use part of the TVR mechanism.

Good Luck,

Danny Hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2002
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The ones in my 2 wedges were nothing like the early SD1 motor (round silver metal jobbie, did Rover change them at some point?


26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th July 2002
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Black wiring is not THAT much trouble: you know where it starts and roughly where it ends, so as long as the harness hasn't been trapped or torched, there aren't many bits to go wrong. It's worth knowing that there are a couple of BIG multipole connectors in the o/s headlamp recess, one or two in the n/s, and a bullet connector in the fuel pump feed, cable-tied to the chassis down in the depths of the engine bay (front n/s). Take the time to understand how the electrics for the headlamps work, and diagnosing faults with them becomes pretty simple.
Window winders have been said to be ex-Reliant Scimitar, not that THAT helps much. In my 390 they are marked 'CIM', one has 'Rockwell Automotive' on it. Gosh, that's useful..... ;-)
For dash switches and so on, try Lucas agents directly. Anyone else will add a fat cut on, and when some of the switches run at 60 quid each, you can do without it.
The window channel rubbers can be had from Paul Beck vintage supplies in Norfolk, amongst others.



989 posts

273 months

Monday 2nd September 2002
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you get black wires on 1983 Wedges too if you're trying to avoid it :-( I've got a 280i 2+2 with the lovely stuff. It's a challenge shall we say, especially as various bits didn't work when I recently bought it.............