More insurance nonsense!

More insurance nonsense!



Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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Hi all,
I called the highly regarded and well publicised choice of the TVRCC for insurance today. I couldn't beleive my ears when The guy at, A. Manning, told me that they couldn't insure me because I didn't already own a high performance car! This was before they knew what car I was trying to insure, or anything about me. I just find it shocking that the TVRCC recommends this company without mentioning the trick clause that requires high-performance driving experience. They even had the cheek to recommmend I call back after a year of experience! I have driven on track days, and I am quite happy on a high performance motor-cycle and I've held a clean license for 20 years. The whole thing makes a mockery of the very flexible sounding "Tailored to your needs" service advertised on the TVRCC site.
Here is what it says on

Developed in conjunction with the TVR Car Club, this bespoke scheme offers:

* Instant quotations and cover
* Non-standard risks accepted, including
* High risk areas
* Unusual occupations
* Convictions
* Disabilities
* Track day cover
* Laid up/Transit/In construction cover
* Agreed value terms
* Maximum introductory no claims bonus.

Tailored to my needs! Bah!


56 posts

274 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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Totally agree! Last time I contacted Mannings they said it wasn't worth them quoting as they wouldn't be able to get anywhere near my current price, and they are supposed to be TVR car club approved or recommended or whatever? I've used Pearts for the last 6 or 7 years - always best value for me.


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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Try Sunninghill


1,559 posts

286 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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I too was frustrated not to be quoted by Mannings in my first year. No performance car experience, but I consider myself to be more competent behind the wheel than most.

However I accept that all brokers have to tailor their policies to suit whatever nich in the market they're aiming for to be competitive. Obviously there is greater risk in the first year of performance car ownership. You or I may not think so in our particular case, but short of taking a performance handling test, how do the insurance companies know that?

I think that most TVR owners have learnt that you must serve your first year's apprentiship with one of the other TVR/performance car specialist before enjoying the very cheap quotes offered by Mannings.

Having said all of this, I do agree that the TVRCC should also endorse or at least publish the other specialist out there. There's plenty of threads on this site listing the others to go for. I found Sunninghill very good first off.

What I find amazing and totally screwy about the insurance game is that my TVR is now the cheapest to insure of the 3 cars we run (others being an Alfa 156 2.5 V6 and an Omega 2.5 V6)!


1,763 posts

276 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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Mannings didn't even answer the phone (several tries)or return my recorded message (at least two) - obviously don't want customers.

Suninghill very helpful.


233 posts

274 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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ditto Sunninghill - cheapest quote I got and no hassle to deal with (I have company car and a fast bike and still got a NCD)


1,559 posts

286 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I have not got a clue, but would love to know how insurance quotes are calculated. I want to know straight off when I'm being ripped off without the palaver (sp?) of ringing round all the brokers (even though it's only half a dozen if you drive a Tiv). Is there anyone in the industry who can shed any light on this game?

My renewal came through with Sunnighill @ £697, up £40 from my first year's apprentiship. Not on, I thought, it should go down. That's why I've gone with Mannings at £414, even though it's a bigger excess and no RAC cover (I have AA anyway). I did try going back to Sunninghill with that bid, but they couldn't touch it.

I'm 37, clean record, max NCD car garaged, 5k miles and live in lower-risk home counties. Why do I get quoted near £700 when others are getting £400 quotes?


Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I'm 37, clean record, max NCD car garaged, 5k miles and live in lower-risk home counties. Why do I get quoted near £700 when others are getting £400 quotes?

Keep shopping around, the best quote I have so far is £257.18. I'm waiting for the paper work that I need to fill out, and I'm sure there is some small print that will mean I don't get the rate. But it is worth a punt

My circumstances are almost identical, 37, clean record, max NCD, 5000 miles. I also live in Deptford SE London, not the most salubrious area in the city. The only difference I can see is that I have another car.

Good luck


585 posts

273 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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Used to be insured by A.J.Manning but was involved in the Insurance Service fiasco last year. Never got a penny back and lost 10 Months cover. Mind you Heritage quoted about 1/2 A.J.Mannings best price. Anybody ever get a refund?


4 posts

280 months

Saturday 20th July 2002
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I got a refund for the remaining 7 months cover from Mastercard and let them persue Independant.
Am I the only one to do this?
I'm still with Classic Line - age 36 and pay £199pa for 350i FHC

2 Sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Saturday 20th July 2002
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When i insured my 89' Tuscan road/racer the best quote was from Harvey Pettitt 01568 770900 £400 for 3000 miles a year £25,000 agreed value against A.Mannings £800 (approx)


104 posts

273 months

Sunday 21st July 2002
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Classic Line's provided me with the best quote for my 89 350 at £250 with a limited mileage of 5K.

Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Monday 22nd July 2002
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I wouldnt touch Classicline with a bargepole, their incompetence during the Independent affair was mindboggling and their service appalling. I still haven't got a proof of no claims note from them so I dread to think what their claims service is like if my experience is anything to go by.
I switched to Sunninghill and so far so good.

Managed to get my money back too by claiming on my Lloyds Asset Mastercard - no thanks to Classicline!


839 posts

277 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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Currently pay around £450 for a 350i with classic line (26 with one sp30). Also had trouble with getting recognition of NCB with them, and suffered with the independant insurance affair (no money back yet)