How many Left Hand Drive Wedges

How many Left Hand Drive Wedges



Original Poster:

1,844 posts

278 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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Hi all, anybody know how many Wedges were made in l/h drive form. I am thinking of selling my r/h drive 350i and buying a l/h drive instead. It will make more sense out here in France.

Cheers, Mick


61 posts

294 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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Don't know total numbers ( I doubt if even TVR have a clue ) but there was at least one 420 SEAC & 2 450 SE's. I'm sure there were several 400's as well.



450SE ( LHD ;o)


1,502 posts

282 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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There was definately at least one 280 Tasmin. Its now Graham Walden's race car. (Although it's now RHD )

Danny Hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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I am planning to tour across Northern France in my 350i at the end of July. We are going to the Bugatti museum in Mulhouse. Are there many wedges in France?


shawn ford

102 posts

282 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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I'm going to piggy-back on Tim's comment. There are definitely 2 LHD 450 SE in continental Europe (Tim happens to be one of the lucky two!), and a white LHD 450 SE in Canada. As for 450 SEACs who knows if there are any LHD? Doubtful. But I have read there could be as many as 6 LHD 420 SEACs. Don't know how accurate that figure is? I only know of 2 currently. A 1987 was for sale in Sweden awhile ago, originally white, and repainted yellow to look like the 420 SEAC racer of 1986-87, and a red (I think) 1988 model that went to Saudi Arabia. I have seen 5-10 350i for sale here in Germany (see ), but I have yet to see a 400SE in LHD. They may be the rarest model to find in LHD? Also, was the one-off 660SE LHD as well? Mervyn Larner of TVRCC could probably give you a pretty accurate figure.

What I want to know is what happened to the two 400SX cars!? I'd love to have another if $$ was water.

Got a lot of this info while I was searching for a 450 SE.

Shawn Ford


Original Poster:

1,844 posts

278 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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Hi Tim,
I think we met at a Sunday meeting just before i moved out here to France, i've got a blue 350i with 17" rims. It was the only meeting i managed to get to before i moved, which was a shame as i really enjoyed the atmosphere.
Hope everybody is keeping well in Kent.


>> Edited by FrenchTVR on Tuesday 25th June 08:38


Original Poster:

1,844 posts

278 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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I am planning to tour across Northern France in my 350i at the end of July. We are going to the Bugatti museum in Mulhouse. Are there many wedges in France?


Mine is the only Wedge i have so far seen in France. Come to that it's the only TVR i have ever seen in France with the exception of Le Mans weekend!

>> Edited by FrenchTVR on Tuesday 25th June 08:43


21 posts

285 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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Hi all

36 LHD TVR 350I have been sold by the french importer during the eighties: and I suppose it's much more for Holland/Belgium/Germany...
I don't know how many are surviving
FrenchTVR if you want to meet TVR owners ask the French TVRCC



233 posts

274 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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couple of months ago when I was looking for a 350i I saw an ad for a black LHD 350i "currently in france" for sale - can't remember exactly where it was advertised, could have been this site, TVRCC, piston heads or autotrader (as that's where I was looking)


4,476 posts

295 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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Between 1980 and 1991 TVR made 1319 cars for export, most of these will be LHD, the bulk of them Wedges for the US and some will have been S's for Europe, so there should be quite a few around.

Regarding the 400SX, I understand that there was only one 400SX the other was a 350SX with a 400 body.

Hope this helps



170 posts

279 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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Well, I own a lhd Tasmin 280 conv and I know there are 2 more in Holland. Some while ago I saw a Wedge from Belgium for sale, I suppose it's a lhd.

And ofcause the USA has (some) lhd wedges but their original exhaust is less loud.

I found some for sale in a Dutch paper (Telegraaf):

* 350i, 1988, green metallic, leather interior, convertible, € 10.000. 070-3462365.

* TVR 280S, bouwjaar 1988, racinggreen, Perfect condition. Pr. € 19.000. Tel. 035-6022205.

>> Edited by Cathelijne on Tuesday 25th June 17:25


14,944 posts

281 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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Team Central (as was) in Birmingham had a metalic bronze 350SX for sale a couple of years back. It didn't have a 400 body but looked like a sort of 350/390 hybrid thing and was RHD from memory. It did sound awesome though - like no other TVR I ever heard before or since.
Andy 400se


61 posts

294 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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Hi Tim,
I think we met at a Sunday meeting just before i moved out here to France, i've got a blue 350i with 17" rims. It was the only meeting i managed to get to before i moved, which was a shame as i really enjoyed the atmosphere.
Hope everybody is keeping well in Kent.


Yes I remember being jealous that you were heading off to better & clearer roads

Are you coming to Zolder this Friday 28th ( Belgium )
There will be loads of TVR's from all over Europe

All the best

Tim 450SE

>> Edited by FrenchTVR on Tuesday 25th June 08:38


21 posts

279 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I have a LHD 280I here in the US. We have several hundred of them here. Don't know how many, but they were sold between '83 and '87. I imagine it's a number between 500 and 1000. The number of wedges still on the road is probably less than 500. The last time I saw another one on the road, besides mine, was more than 10 years ago!


681 posts

273 months

Saturday 29th June 2002
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The speculation that no one may know for sure how many LHD wedges were built is probably not too far off. I
know I have tracked over 500 of them here in the US as
part of my Wedge Registry I have been compiling since
1991. Yes, there were also some in Canada and a few
in Puerto Rico. Except for two 350is, the rest of those here in the US are all of the Tasmin or 280 variety.

shawn ford

102 posts

282 months

Monday 1st July 2002
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There is also a TVRCC North American member who has a 390SE in Michigan.

Shawn Ford
450 SE


681 posts

273 months

Monday 1st July 2002
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Technically, that car is a 350i with a 390 engine.
It was one of two brought into the US in 1985 to
do the Auto Show circuit.


534 posts

288 months

Saturday 27th July 2002
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A fair number of LHD wedges in Canada, I have the (only?) 350i coupe, Red 1985.

From what I know Canada has/had:
- about 5 350i DHC (I have seen 1 blue - it was a write off, and one nice red one).
- 2 390SE (I have seen one silver one, and I think I saw one black, but could have been dark green or blue?),
- 2 420SE (I have seen one white, one green, they may have had one or two others come over)
- Nearly 40 V6 Tasmins of various sorts, including my other TVR an early Tasmin DHC, also includes two(?) automatics, two 2+2 (one white one converted from automatic to standard, and one silver one converted to be a two seater), Also includes one silver turbo coupe (importer installed).
- several US cars have made the journey up (I have encountered two Tasmin DHC from the US).

Cheers, Rob.

>> Edited by UKAuto on Saturday 27th July 06:09