280i Air Filter mods

280i Air Filter mods


Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Sunday 23rd June 2002
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I'm having trouble sourcing a replacement air filter for my '84 280i ( they didn't import the 2.8 capri )so I'm thinking about replacing the standard setup with a high performance filter.

Anyone have any opinions/guidance one way or the other? (or know of a UK firm that would ship me the standard item, failing that).


856 posts

293 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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I replaced my standard airfilter witha direct replacement K+N airfilter, cost me about £35.00 four years ago. Had no problems with it at all and it fitted very neatly into the std airbox.




3,799 posts

290 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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The foam filter type are best - Pipercross ITG etc, K & N also work well for performance but aren't much cop as a filter.



4,473 posts

289 months

Sunday 30th June 2002
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in the independant tests I've seen K+N filters consistently out perform foam types on both airflow and filtering ability. there are other cotton / gauze types around though so you can get K+N filering at cheaper prices. my fave are Green filters on a cost / performance basis and they look great :-) although that's not so much an issue if you're buying a std airbox replacement I guess.

Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Monday 1st July 2002
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I've now rung around, and the situation is: can maybe get K & N but can't give me a price until it arrives in Australia six weeks from now. (don't we have aircraft these days?)

Suppliers have vaguely heard of Pipercross but no Idea how to get hold of one (or more at this rate...)

Anybody got an email address of a UK supplier?

Otherwise the airbox comes off and I go the custom mod route.

Am I going to get any extra performance for my money/aggravation if I modify?



3,799 posts

290 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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quote :in the independant tests I've seen K+N filters consistently out perform foam types on both airflow and filtering ability.

Not in my expierience I'd have to say the K & N on mine used to let lots of dust through whereas the ITG doesn't. Also the diffence flow rate when tested on the dyno at work was less than 1% advantage to the K&N
