electric windows

electric windows


JJ wilko

Original Poster:

9 posts

277 months

Sunday 23rd June 2002
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The electric windows in my280 fhc are both dead-nice in this weather!they are obviously not the best motors in the world which got me wondering- is there a conversion kit available for normal winding windows... I can see a whole lifetime of trouble otherwise..My attempts to repair caused the window to drop out of the housing,but the motor is dead and intermittent on the passenger side Any ideas?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 23rd June 2002
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I spent ages on the drivers window on my old 280FHC. I had stripped the motor numerous times, put a stop on the gear so the window wouldn't go all the way down (it kept jamming open) etc etc - but gave up when the plastic cog sheared. I bought a 2nd hand one from Towerview for £50

One mod I did whilst trying to resolve it was to drill out the 3 rivets holding the motor to the arm and replace them with bolts. This allowed the motor to be easily removed without dismantling the glass etc. I think the head of one bolt had to be ground flat for clearance.

Anyway I have one good motor (except for a sheared plastic cog) which I was keeping for when a window packs up on the 350i. I may let it go if you are desperate, or if you decide to buy a new one - throw the old one in my direction so I can pinch the plastic cog.


PS I presume the Taz racers bin the electric windows to save weight so there may be a few 2nd hand one around