400SE Wiper Mystery...

400SE Wiper Mystery...



Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Sunday 23rd June 2002
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Does anyone know what the wiper arm is from on a 400SE?

And - at the risk of seeming stupid - How do you turn on the front fog lights?

All help appreciated.

nick heppinstall

8,362 posts

291 months

Sunday 23rd June 2002
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Hi Bob. Front driving lamps should come on with main beam. It's possible that they are knackered because they get all the crud blasted onto them from the road. Mine were. I got a couple of replacements from Wedge Automotive.

Nick 400se

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 23rd June 2002
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There are very poor qaulity connectors just behind the front spoiler on my 350i. Neither light worked until I gave the contacts a good clean and wipe with vasaline. My car has a seperate switch, although they also come on with main beam automatically (useful for flashing). I think this is one of those areas where TVR wired them up differently each day of the week.


PS No Vasaline/flashing jokes please!

nick heppinstall

8,362 posts

291 months

Sunday 23rd June 2002
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Yeah Bob as Danny says they should also flash, mine do on the 400. I replaced the connectors on the spots because they were just too corroded.


Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Sunday 23rd June 2002
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Aah, I see!

Thanks for that guys.

I'll have a play with them this afternoon.
It's a nice day for flashing in font of the neighbours

Any thoughts on the windscreen wiper arm?


349 posts

287 months

Sunday 23rd June 2002
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Bob, Only a few months ago,I spent some time digging around in local breakers yards trying to fathom this out for my 390,and found nothing. I looked at citroen BX (single wiper) amongst many others but none were close.In the end I enquired at my local TVR dealer (walldonway Kent)who got me one from TVR direct at a very reasonable price. Im sure its one of those parts made specially for TVR i'm sorry to say.


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 23rd June 2002
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Spots also can have dodgy bulb holders. Make sure you clean the bulb if you handle it.


Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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I'm gonna take a look at the lights & spots this week.
I've got one working out of four.
I suspect I may end up fixing them with new ones, as the silvered backing is looking a bit dull.

I'll try good old Harrogate Horseless Carriages for the wiper, since after some investigation I'm beginning to draw the same conclusion as you Andy.

Cheers guys. I'll let you know how I get on.


856 posts

293 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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Hi Guys,

Do not know if this is true and feel free to shoot me down in flames, but I am sure I heard that the wiper arm was from a Ford Transit. May be worth checking out !!??




Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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Hmm, I'll have a look at the next Transit I see parked up.

As it happens H.H.C. have got me one direct from the factory and it was only £15 including both the arm and the blade, which didn't seem bad to me.

Perhaps TVR incorporated White Van components in the hope they would give a performance advantage.
Not to mention an immunity to prosecution.