Category C insurance loss...

Category C insurance loss...



Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Saturday 22nd June 2002
quotequote all that bad then?
I'm going to look at a 350i tomorrow, so I did an HPI check and it came up with a category C insurance loss. It would appear that the car was written off two months before the current owner bought it four years ago. Now obviously I have some concerns about buying it, though it seems like it is good condition (I havent seen it with my own eyes yet). I don't know if the current owner knows about the write off, would the owner before have been obliged to tell him about the status. The problem is that if he doesn't know what kind of damage was repaired, I won't be able to look at any repair bills. I can't help thinking that if this guy has been driving it for the last four years, then the damage must have been pretty well fixed. Anyone got any thoughts on what my next move should be?


682 posts

293 months

Saturday 22nd June 2002
quotequote all
Could be worse. At least you know about it.

Some guy on the 200sx board was delving around behind the trim panels in the boot and found a piccy of the car with some fairly significant body damage he didn't know about..

Cheers, Phil

>> Edited by filmidget on Saturday 22 June 21:49


1,763 posts

276 months

Saturday 22nd June 2002
quotequote all
In a private sale, the seller would only be obliged to tell if asked.


729 posts

277 months

Sunday 23rd June 2002
quotequote all
Get the car thoroughly checked by an expert in TVR's & GRP. It may look okay but could be full of filler. If the repair has been done properly and new matting bonded into the repair section then the car will be as safe as houses.
My advice would be to go in with your eyes wide open and try to find out who repaired it.
If an inspection doesn't reveal any nasty surprises, then go for it if the price is right.



805 posts

277 months

Monday 24th June 2002
quotequote all
What was it like? Did you get it?


Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Monday 24th June 2002
quotequote all

What was it like? Did you get it?

Err..well yes I did. I'm still not sure I made the right move, a couple of important things I had on my check list were missing. Namely any kind of service history, an MOT, a working speedo, a working oil pressure guage.

Anyway, the price was right (just about) and the bodywork, frame, engine etc. looks OK. I guess I'll find out when I get it to the MOT.

The important thing is that I will be driving a wedge, my dream car since 1980 something, very soon. I'm VERY excited about it. Does anyone know if there are any wedge runouts planned for the weekend after next. I think I'll be wanting to stretch its legs a bit.