Starting Problems

Starting Problems



Original Poster:

198 posts

294 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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Has anybody experienced / thoughts of the following problems when starting my Wedge (350i):

When you turn the key, you get a really slow/struggling attempt to start, it sounds (do not ask for description!!)as if the starter is trying to overcome a pressure build up?

This appears an intermittant fault, on some occasions it just clicks/or dead, others it starts without any problems at all.

I have had a new starter fitted, to cure the problems this worked for a short (2 Weeks) while without problem and there is a new battery fitted.

The old starter upon removal had a section missing and the end bearing was broken up and missing

Any thoughts greatfully received, Im just


14,944 posts

281 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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Is the alternator charging the battery?
Andy 400se


5 posts

273 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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Have you checked the earth cables, it is better/worse when the weather is warm/damp?


Original Poster:

198 posts

294 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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Well just been out all connection appear to be well made, battery is fully charged, appears alternator doing its job.

Went to restart car and nothing, just the hum of the fuel system pressurising (at least thats what I think it is)

Its been dry here and all apears clear of any signs of dampness. Car is not hot/ but has been used last at 17:30ish.

>> Edited by blackpoolwedge on Thursday 20th June 20:03


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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Put a volt meter accross the battery when the engine is running, 13.5-14 volts. May need to up the revs ever so slightly. 12.5 is at rest. Also is your ignition light working? Sometimes they are in the circuit that tells the alternator to work, but if the correct voltage is there whislt running then not the problem

Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Friday 21st June 2002
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Is the starter solenoid (on the side of the motor) clicking when ignition is switched on - the "click" is the starter pinion moving forward. If so then either the new motor is duff (not an unheard of problem!) or not enough power.

If its not then it could still be the new motor (sticking solenoid)but you need to check the wiring to the motor from the ignition switch and the switch itself. Good Luck.

PS. Good descrption of the starter circuit in the Wedge Bible........


Original Poster:

198 posts

294 months

Sunday 23rd June 2002
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Thanks for all your advice, I will start to look next week, Just returned from a weekend at Castle Combe sadly without the wedge


Original Poster:

198 posts

294 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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Looks like the Starter motor is at fault, the garage that fitted the new one will be replacing it tommorow!!

Still have my dough't that there is another problem lurking in the background, fingers crossed.


331 posts

273 months

Monday 24th June 2002
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Get it sorted for wednesday


Original Poster:

198 posts

294 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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It should be back on the road later today or by mid day on Weds, see you at Shovels.


104 posts

273 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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Check the fan belt tension too, there should be no more than an inch play midway between pulleys


Original Poster:

198 posts

294 months

Thursday 27th June 2002
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Car is now back with Starter Motor No 2 fitted, Fingers crossed this one lasts more than 14 days