Srping rates

Srping rates



Original Poster:

3,799 posts

290 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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Does anyone know the front and rear spring rates for a 350i? as I fancy playing around a bit with what I've got.

Ta matt


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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Does anyone know the front and rear spring rates for a 350i? as I fancy playing around a bit with what I've got.

Ta matt

Anything from 175 to 350 front...
to 175 to 350 rear... All depends on the number of black grains of sand on Blackpool's Pleasure beach...

250 front/200 rear is a reasonable starting point I would guess.

520 is currently running 500 front with 375 rear and it is very stiff indeed... Also beware of chassis cracking, suspension joints dying and large dentist bills for replacing fillings.



80 posts

278 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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Whenever Steve is around, it get´s interesting !

Are you taling imperial or metric Steve ?
I´m using Koni coilovers in the rear with 500N/cm rate. Just changed from 580N/cm. Nothing for the fainthearted ?



36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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How do you find out? Seems mines been lowered all around and me fillings are chipping my good ones. Avo shocks and adjustable whatsits.


30,629 posts

295 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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I´m using Koni coilovers in the rear with 500N/cm rate. Just changed from 580N/cm. Nothing for the fainthearted ?

If my sums are right that's only about 275 lb/in? Haven't played with the Wedge setup but gut feeling that is way too soft, surely. Harsh ride may be due to the AVOs though, especially if you've set them hard to compensate for the soft springs?


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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How is the hieght altered? On comparison at Chatsworth and with a 400 and 450 in the local club, mine is at least an inch lower all around. Is this through the adjustable AVO's or do they just resist the sring more? Not a problem (except some speed humps etc), just curious.
It handles like a dream.
All done by a previous owner I might add.

>> Edited by JMorgan on Thursday 20th June 00:20


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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How is the height altered? On comparison at Chatsworth and with a 400 and 450 in the local club, mine is at least an inch lower all around. Is this through the adjustable AVO's or do they just resist the sring more? Not a problem (except some speed humps etc), just curious.
It handles like a dream.
All done by a previous owner I might add.

Buy the worng size springs and pretend that the lowering was intentional...

Or lower the bottom spring base plate. Easy to do on the back if the plate is adjustable. The front unless you go full coil over is not adjustable and you need to chnage the spring length. My figures are imperial as in barrels per square perch or lbs/sq inch.

The spring rates have changed dramatically over the years and 350 lb ish are not uncommon but the car suspension gets quite hard. The problem is that this really does start to hammer the suspension. I got to the point where ball joints were declared a consumable and I keep several sets in stock.

It all depends on what you want to solve. The AVOs were fine but a little all or nothing on the adjustment. The Gaz are a big improvement but I am having to go to helper springs and so on to get the right spring characteristics that I want and the 3+ inches of lowering that I have on the car.


If anyone wants some rear AVOs, I found a new one and a used one in the garage last night. Email me off line.

>> Edited by shpub on Thursday 20th June 09:21


12,648 posts

291 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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The Gaz are a big improvement but I am having to go to helper springs and so on to get the right spring characteristics that I want and the 3+ inches of lowering that I have on the car.

With that much lowering you must be practically scraping the ground, does it help the aerodynamics as well (reducing lift)?

Another way to lower a car (the wrong way) is to cut the spring down!!!! (I have seen this done, it might have been in Essex!)