Metallic 'clunk'

Metallic 'clunk'



Original Poster:

1 posts

273 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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I have noticed that the rear of my 350i is lower on the drivers side than on the passenger side. Also when I pull away in all gears a loud metallic 'clunk' can be heard from the rear drivers side. Can anyone shed any light on this????


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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UJ knackered? Change both if its that. Best have a look and see whats loose.


1,165 posts

278 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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The difference in height may not be a problem in itself. I remember a thread on this a while back and it seems that the body height can differ slightly. Not sure of the cause, maybe the body molding or the way it sits on the chassis. Is it something that has changed or have you noticed it whilst looking at the cause of the noise?
UJ's sound like the most obvious cause of the noise problem.
Cheers SteveE


331 posts

273 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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sounds like a uj
my 400 didnt sit straight till i put 4 new springs on.


104 posts

273 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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talking of springs where are they obtainable from and how much?


805 posts

277 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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talking of springs where are they obtainable from and how much?

Available from Wedge Automotive see:-

The Heavy duty ones are the ones to go for aparently.


Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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What sort of shocks have you got on the back? - if they are AVOs or similar with adjustable ride height make sure the spring seats are the same height up the shock body on each side. Sounds obvious but one of our fellow pistonheads had uneven ride height on his SEAC and when we had a look some plonker (e-mail me and I'll tell you who!) found his had been put back together with best part of an inch difference between left and right!

The clunk could well be the UJs but also check the shocks springs and play in the diff (fingers crossed its not that!)


6 posts

273 months

Friday 21st June 2002
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My loud metallic clonk turned out to be just the bush in the radius arm (350i Mk2). You could be that lucky!
Also I had the same ride height problem ie: down on the right side. I changed all four springs and shocks, had new uprated bushes all round and it changed nothing except the handling. I was told they were made a little haphazardly! I have given up now and just enjoy driving it - not worrying about it.......

>> Edited by TFG on Friday 21st June 01:59


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 21st June 2002
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Whilst rebuilding the rear end I noticed the difference in packing materials between the chassis and the body on the different sides. Builder must have had a good night out the day before.


805 posts

277 months

Friday 21st June 2002
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The difference in height may not be too much of a problem.
When I bought mine I found nearly 1cm difference in height on one side (measured from the ground to the top of the wheel arch).
I feared the worst ie chassis bent but hoped it was the springs.
I have since taken much of the car apart to paint the chassis (body on) and eventually get a respray and I am 100% sure it has never had even a small bump. The only thing i found was a v small amount of filler under the paint on the front bumper which looked like a stone chip!
When I took the outrigger bolts off the body 'settled down' on the high side and is now totally level.
I do think this is why the last owner did not keep it for very long (under 2 years), but I am happy that it is original and is very good for its age.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Friday 21st June 2002
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My 350i is not level at the rear either. However it is the way the body sits on the chassis - not anything more serious.



2,190 posts

278 months

Friday 21st June 2002
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Must be normal!, my 350i also sits low on the drivers side. Too many pie's!