How much for a hood?

How much for a hood?



Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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Where's the best place to buy a replacement hood from?

And how much would you expect to pay?

I've only seen one price so far (£400) and that seems a little steep for what is a pretty simple affair.

Any help appreciated

Danny Hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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By the time VAT and fitting were included I ended up paying the wrong side of £600!



126 posts

279 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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Hope this link helps:
Cheers, Dave.


Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 17th June 2002
quotequote all
Thanks Dave I've seen that one.

I may end up going for it, unless mines repairable.
Gonna have a word with a trimmer I know of who makes hoods sometimes and see what he can do.


198 posts

294 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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I have been looking for a replacement for my 350i, try this website, they are based in the Wirral

Just received the brochure and the price for a Mohair listed as TVR Tasmin Hood(Has there been any change in design?) £314.95 including VAT but not fitted, I have not had time to follow up and find the charge for fitting.

Please update if you get any further info on fitting cost.


1,844 posts

279 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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place in cwmbran gwent BAS its listed in 192, ask for steve, mega cheap, mega good


104 posts

273 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Get in touch with your nearest main dealer and get a price - then track down the trimmer and see'll if he'll do it privately for cash. You should save some big bucks.

Besides, if your hood is ripped or cut up then change it. If its just faded and looks a bit worn then there are some great colour restorers about that make the whole thing look new again.


19,928 posts

277 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Bobfrance, as you live not too far from Middlewich I'll give you the number of a guy that did a mint job on mine including the window for c£300.00. You'll have to wait until tomorrow as his number is in my diary at work!


Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Cheers, I'm gathering quite a list of hood suppliers.

I'll compile a list and the relative prices of them all soon and post it up for any ohter intrested parties.


19,928 posts

277 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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Right, heres the number - 01606 834408. Ask for Martin and the company which he owns is called Martrim! I'm sure it was about £300.00. He really did a superb job on mine and it included new rubber seals all round too. If he asks, tell him that Jon from Crewe (blue 350i) recommended him, he might give me some commission !!!


2,869 posts

293 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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I can also recommend the boys at BAS in Cwmbran, very handy people to know for all sorts of car bits and bobs. Made me a brilliant set of overmats and a new leather gearstick / handbrake gaitor as well - top quality.
