400SE U/J's?

400SE U/J's?



Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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Does anybody know what the Driveshaft UJ's on a 1990 400SE are from?

Any part numbers/codes would be helpful too



36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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In the past I have taken them off and down the local factors, caps bearings and all to match up. Asked them for Hardy Spicer (?) with the grease nipples.


8,507 posts

283 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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Best idea as surprise surprise, there are several different sizes used although your car should have the larger ones. However as the drive shafts are custom bits, can't say this with any great deal of confidence.



1,165 posts

278 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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Be carefull what you buy. Spoke to a guy at GKN Driveline a couple of weeks ago he said they had seen some cheap imports of the Hardy Spicer joints. They were in the same packing and so looked identical. If you want to be sure you are getting the real thing give them a ring on 0121 3131606. They usually have them in stock.
Cheers SteveE


Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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Cheers for that guys!

I'm gonna go and do a bit of investigating.

Oh and Steve, since I'm definately sticking with wedges I'm ready to buy your bible.

Where would you prefer I get it from?
(direct from you, TVRCC, Amazon etc.?)

Thanks again guys!


8,507 posts

283 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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The quickest way is TVRCC (turn it around next day usually).



Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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The cheque's in the post...


331 posts

273 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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I got mine from H.H.C easy peasy.


Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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H.H.C. are good but I got mine locally in the end.

Apparently it's off a series 3 Jaguar XJ6.

Logical I supose since it has a jag diff and inboard jag disks.

All fitted and ready to go as soon as I get my cooling fan.

Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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When I replaced mine on my old 400SE a couple of years ago I got them from the TVR Centre. I had to provide the diameter of the driveshaft "holes" to make sure I got the right size and made sure I specified UJs with grease nipples (NOT sealed units that dont last). Items were delivered in 48 hrs and went on OK - getting the old ones out was another matter - I ended up with one very bent vice and some wrecked sockets!

>> Edited by Brm Brm on Tuesday 18th June 22:08


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Best therapy going, replacing U/J's. Big vice, big 'ammer and a socket set.


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Came unstuck onces when one of the bearings, resplendant in grease, found its way to the inside of the cap and it cracked. Circlip pliers a great help.


Original Poster:

1,323 posts

278 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Luckily I know "a man who can".

But I alway grease my nipples religiously!

Ooh matron!