No Water Pressure in the Header Tank

No Water Pressure in the Header Tank



Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Saturday 15th June 2002
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Yesterday I was caught out during some localised flooding, as a result I had to dry the distributor out - it was then that I noticed this other problem. I no longer seemed to have any pressure in the header tank or top hose. The temperature still stays at 80 when driving but seems to rise quicker than normal when in heavy traffic. What could be the problem?


19 posts

295 months

Saturday 15th June 2002
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Have you got the caps on the right way round?presure cap on the header tank ordinary cap on the top hose


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 15th June 2002
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How much water missing?


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Saturday 15th June 2002
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I don't think I have lost any water,. if anything it might have too much in now, as that was my first thought. The caps are on the right way around. Nothing seems wrong (yet) and the car drives well with a steady temperature but I'm guessing it will cause something to go wrong soon if ignored.


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 15th June 2002
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Was it hot when you released the cap?
Mine gets very hot in traffic so I try to avoid it. My old 350 never got hot (the temp would climb quickly), the twin fans kept it well under control but I don't know if they were from new.
On the too much side mine would spit it out till happy then get on with it.
Other thing is the swan neck one sealing and is the pressure cap correct lenght but if you are not loosing water?


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Sunday 16th June 2002
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The strange thing is nothing has changed and it used to keep good water pressure. Both the caps are relatively new replaced within the last 6 months.


12,648 posts

291 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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Check out your water pump, my Range Rover did this and it turned out to be the water pump was not pumping properly.


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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Not being the world's greatest mechanic, how do you tell if the water pump is knackered or not?


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Anyone any ideas?


805 posts

277 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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I would take it off and have a look. Its a mechanical pump though and not too much to go wrong with it as long as the belts driving it? Is it leaking at all as the internal seals can go?
I can e-mail you an inside picture of the new one I got from David Gerald (but havn't got round to fitting) if that helps.
A new one costs £82.50 +vat from DG.


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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I had another look at this tonight, there is a small amount of pressure back in the system but nothing compared to the way it was about a week ago. The problem occured after the distributor got wet with the flooding rain. The car was running on about 3 cylinders for a couple of miles and did not sound well. Managed to sort it out when I got back home but I lost all pressure. Maybe it damaged the internal seals on the water pump? Even though the car does seem more thirsty for coolant recently, I can't source any leak.

Cheers, Gareth I will mail you later about the new water pump photos. Dave.

>> Edited by Dave350iTVR on Tuesday 18th June 23:32


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Talking out of my @rse but did any water get ingested?


12,648 posts

291 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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With reference to the water pump, run it up to temperature with the cap off the radiator, you should be able to see good movement of the water.


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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Talking out of my @rse but did any water get ingested?

Well I hope not but the weather was really bad! Localized flooding! It was one of those freak rain storms that happened on my way home from work. The car leaked from places it had never leaked before! It felt like being onboard the titantic!